!!Announcements!! [Important]

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Break stuff
I'm going to be taking a quick break, like a week or two on this oneshots, because I'm setting up my, My Hero Academia oneshots,,, I was reading the manga like a weeb. Anyways, if you do enjoy Mha please do go check it out and request things there! If you haven't seen my hero academia already just go watch it.
The FE stuff
So I'm going to be writing the male robin thing after my break I promise at least 50-60 chapters, 1,000 words each.
1, I will be having a break

2, I will be writing My Hero Academia

3, Male Robin X Reader will be made soon after a week or two of My Hero Academia.

4, no I will not reject comments and still will reply if I can,

(Seriously,, If you're a shounen fan go watch My Hero Academia my fellow shounen trash)

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