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"Thanks for letting me stay again." Lexi sighed and plopped down on the bed next to Ariana. "Of course sweetie you're always welcome." She smiled and gave her a hug. "I just can't believe how childish he was." Lexi rolled her eyes. 

Last night started amazing. Lexi had so much fun, it was unreal. Mitchy was throwing a party, and this was the first time she was going to see him and the other members of Lovelytheband. They texted pretty often, so it wasn't like she was meeting strangers. She texted them a lot and they talked a lot, they had just never seen each other in real life before.

So, when she got to the party and she saw Mitchy she immediately gave him a hug. Then, Jordan walked inside and Lexi gave him the biggest hug too. They talked for a solid 30 minutes and she was so in to the conversation that she had no idea where her other friends were. 

Eventually, Jordan and Lexi went to the kitchen to get some drinks and Michael offered to take a picture of them so Lexi could tell the world they finally met each other in real life for the first time. They went on to the dance floor, Ashton joined them for a little but walked off pretty soon when Lexi and Jordan were deep in conversation again.

All of a sudden, Calum came rushing up to her. "Why is Ashton angry?" He whispered in her ear while holding on to her wrist. Lexi furrowed her brows and turned towards Calum. "Angry? Why?" Lexi was confused, "that is what I asked you, come on." Calum said, pulling Lexi with him in to the backyard.

"Ashton what's wrong?" Lexi immediately said when she saw him standing there, his cheeks red and his jaw clenched. "You know." He said, staring at her with a straight face. "No I don't, please tell me." She said, nearing him and reaching for his hand. Ashton took a step back and kept looking at her like she had done something awful to him.

"You were really close with Jordan ever since we got here!" Ashton said, raising his voice. "I am your boyfriend!" He said, staring at her. "Didn't you feel his hand when you were in the kitchen taking that picture? It was way too low on your hip." Ashton said, he looked like he was boiling. "Ashton I am sorry I didn't notice." Lexi said, trying to calm him down.

"Well you should have, you should have realised 'oh hey I have a boyfriend I shouldn't accept his hand laying on my fucking ass'." Ashton spat. Lexi stared at him with a puzzled look. "Babe, calm down." Lexi said, hoping he would at least calm down. "No, I'm not going to calm down. You have been flirty with him ever since we got here, you have been texting him ever since tour started, I don't like this!" Ashton said, raising his voice.

Calum just stood at the side, feeling a little awkward. He wanted to be there for his friends but he didn't really know what to do. "Ashton I am telling you it was not my intention to flirt with him! You are my boyfriend and you are the one I love, nobody else!" Lexi said, raising her voice too. Ashton could yell at her all he wants but she was going to yell back if she had to.

"You should tell Jordan that." Ashton scoffed, he pushed past Lexi and walked back inside. Leaving Calum and Lexi in the garden. "What is going on with him. My god." Lexi groaned. Calum walked over, staring at her. "Can we just leave, I'm no longer in the party mood." Lexi said, holding her head in her hands. Calum nodded and grabbed her hand, walking back inside and getting their coats.

They left the house without saying anybody goodbye, Lexi would text Mitchy the next day that she was sorry about how sudden she left and that she did not get to say goodbye. When they walked outside they were surprised by a few paparazzi guys so Lexi shielded her head with her hand, too annoyed to act normal. 

Calum and Lexi got in the taxi and drove home. They walked inside and Lexi stayed in the hallway, feeling unsure. "I don't really want to be here right now." Lexi said whilst Calum walked over to the living room door. "What do you mean?" Calum furrowed his brows. "I don't want to be here when Ashton gets home tonight." Lexi sighed and walked towards the stairs.

"I'm going to text Ari, see if I can crash at her place tonight." Lexi sighed and walked up the stairs to Ashton and her's room, getting a backpack with a clean outfit. She rang up Ariana and waited for her to answer. "Hey I saw Instagram what's going on?" Ariana answered. "Yeah, I'll tell you everything. Can I crash at your place tonight?" Lexi asked. "Of course, need me to come pick you up?" She asked. 

Lexi told her that would be very nice and they exchanged goodbye's. She finished packing her overnight bag and walked back down the stairs and in to the living room. "Ariana is here." Lexi said softly to Calum who was sat on the couch. 

"Okay," he replied in the same soft voice. "Please don't let this be the end of your relationship." Calum said whilst walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her. "Of course it won't. Sometimes people just need a day or so apart before they come back and make things right." Lexi said, realising she didn't say this just to comfort Calum but also herself.

They stood in the living room, hugging for a little longer. "I'll see you tomorrow or something." Lexi said, kissing Calum's cheek and walking towards the hallway and opening the front door. She quickly jumped in to Ariana's car and buckled her seatbelt.

"So, what's up." She said, staring at Lexi. "Ashton." Lexi groaned and held her head in her hands whilst Ariana drove off. "He thought I was flirting with Jordan, when I obviously was not. Why would I flirt with some guy friend I have when I already have an amazing boyfriend." Lexi said, staring outside again.

"Can I be honest? I thought his hand was a little low on your hip in that picture you posted." Ariana said, pulling up the freeway. "That's what Ashton said too, but I didn't even notice." Lexi groaned, hoping this would all be over tomorrow.

"He'll come to his senses tomorrow. It's probably the alcohol and him needing you." Ariana said before getting off the freeway and driving in to her little neighbourhood. "I mean, I hope so. I really love him. I can't imagine not being with him." Lexi said, unbuckling her seatbelt once Ariana had parked her car. "Tell him that tomorrow," Ariana smiled.

They entered her house and went to bed, hoping that the next day would come sooner than later. The next morning they woke up and Lexi grabbed her phone, hoping to see a text from Ashton, but she hadn't received any. She texted Mitchy, telling him she suddenly didn't feel too well and that Calum and her went home. He told her it was fine and that she'd get a chance to make it up soon.

Lexi and Ariana went on with their morning pretty normal, Ariana made pancakes and they watched some television before both getting ready. Still no texts from Ashton at that point. 

It was currently two in the afternoon and Lexi was getting sick of the waiting. "Maybe I should just call him." Lexi said, grabbing her phone. They were both distracted by the sound of Ariana's doorbell. "Go get it, it might be him." Ariana said, staring at the hallway that lead to the front door.

Lexi sighed and got up, it better be him, otherwise she'd be sad, maybe even a little angry. She walked in to the hallway and towards the front door, seeing his figure, a smile appeared which she removed before opening the door.



Ashton handed her a small bouquet of yellow tulips, her favourites, making Lexi show him a small smile. "I would have been here sooner but I went to five different stores and two different farmers markets to find yellow tulips since they are your favourites. It's also totally not tulip season so not one store had them." Ashton said, biting his lip. Lexi took the yellow tulips in her arms and stayed put, staring at him.

"Look, I'm sorry." Ashton sighed, staring at Lexi. "I was an asshole yesterday and I shouldn't have been. I was jealous of Jordan and I thought you were in to him and I was too tipsy to realise you would never flirt with him because you already have a boyfriend." Ashton said, staring at Lexi.

"I just missed you last night and I realised I don't want to sleep in our bed ever again without you. I called Jordan up, asked him if he did it on purpose and he said he was sorry if he made it seem like he was hitting on you and then I realised that I was just being stupid." Ashton said, not taking his eyes off of Lexi.

Lexi nodded, "it's alright." She said, laying the flowers down and opening her arms so Ashton could hug her. He picked her up slightly and kissed her cheek a few times. "Just remember next time," Lexi said whilst Ashton put her down and looked at her. "That I love you, that you are my boyfriend, and that I would never flirt with anybody else." Lexi said, placing her hands on his cheeks and staring in to his eyes.

"I'll remember that. I love you."

"I love you too."

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