Chapter 64: Charlotte

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I walk up to WWE High School's doors. I touch the door and let my fingers slide down it. It's been a while since I have been here.

Oh, none of them told you? I got sent to Alternative School for my "bullish behavior." I guess they were too wrapped up in their perfect world they forgot to tell you.

Oh well. It's time to make my presence known again at WWE High.

I walk to the office, where I am greeted by Principal McMahon.

"Hello, Miss Charlotte Flair. I assume you have learned your lesson from those forty-five days of Alternative School?" he asks.

"Yes," I lie. "It taught me that bullying and violence are definitely not the answer to my problems."

Principal McMahon nods. "Well, you are dismissed to your first hour class." I get up and walk toward the door when he says, "Hey, there is a Christmas Dance in two days. Don't be late." I nod and walk off.

As I walk toward the gym for P.E., I think about my glorious plan to break up that friend group. Alexa has been bragging about how she's dating Braun, so I realized everyone in that friend group is dating someone.

So, to break up the friend group, I've decided to break up the core couple that grouped them all together: Becky Lynch and Sami Zayn.

I walk into the P.E. class and everyone turns their heads toward me. They all gasp. I walk into the locker room, but not before I brush Becky's shoulder with mine.

Once I get into the locker room, I begin planning the ultimate plan to end that very popular friend group. And, boy, is it a good one.

WWE High SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora