Chapter 26: Sasha

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*time skip to next week*

I'm backstage getting ready for my title match against Bayley when I hear a knock on the door. Since I'm dressed, I open it.

"Hi Seth," I say. "What do you want?" He smiles at me and says, "Do not hurt my sister. Even though she treated you wrong apparently and I'm your boyfriend, she's my sister, so don't hurt her." I roll my eyes and send him out.

I go to the ring and Bayley comes with her title around her waist. I'm so excited to rip that title from her hands.

The bell rings, and we tie up. I win it, sending her into the turnbuckle. I go to knock her head against them, but she moves out of the way, sending me into the turnbuckle. She pins me and I kick out at 2. She pins me again and I kick out at 2.

I can hear Carmella, Alexa, Becky and Finn cheering on Bayley. Of course they take her side in this. Whatever. I don't need them.

I punch Bayley and she punches back. I then get her down on the ground and do what I like to call "Banks Statement." Shes so close to tapping out, and that's when she grabs the ropes. Ugh.

I have to let her go, and when I do, she suplexes me over and over. She then does her Bayley to Belly, which knocks the wind right out of me. She pins me again. I try to kick out, but I can't muster up the strength to as I have to catch my breath.

The bell rings and I lie on the ground as Bayley is handed her title back. But this isn't over. I might've lost the battle, but I haven't lost the war.

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