Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

''I know but I want to be better and do better because art is a true passion of mine and I've seen your art work and it's absolutely breathtaking,'' She murmured, peeking up at me while biting into her bottom lip. ''These skills you posses come to you so naturally and for me I really have to work at it and I guess I just wanted some input from someone who has talent and for sure is going to go far in life with their talent.''

''As flattering as that is, Joyce, I'm positive Mrs. Burton will help--''

''She isn't as good as you are or as invested.''

''I don't know what you're trying to ask but it seems more than color blending.''

''It is,'' She admittedly murmured, a blush blossoming on her cheeks and I raised an eyebrow at her. ''I want you to tutor me. I'll even pay per session or per hour—whatever your rate.''

''Look, you've rather made it blatantly obvious of your...uh, crush on me but I'm in a serious relationship--''

Her blush went a deeper crimson. ''I know but I swear my intention isn't to come between that, I just really want lessons from an amazing artist who shares the same passion for it as I do. Please, I really want this.''

''I don't know, I have a lot on a plate at the moment--''

''I'll pay whatever.''

''It's not about the money--''

''I can do whatever hours you want--''

''Listen, I'll have to think about it but I'll get back to you.''

''Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me.''

I nodded, glancing at the clock and cursed. ''I have to finish setting up--''

''I'll set up the canvases for you, it's really the least I can do.'' Joyce said, giving me a quick smile before wandering off to the back room where the canvases and other art supplies were kept and I gave a shrug in response because really, it was one less thing I had to do before the class of students came piling in and I still had these multicolored paint crusted brushes to clean.

Joyce returned a few moments later with a stack of canvases in her arms and I glanced in her direction before returning to hastily cleaning the dried up paint off the brushes when I heard a squeak and the sound of wood hitting floor and I whirled around, spotting Joyce on her butt with the canvases sprawled all out in front of her but she was grasping at her left ankle and her eyes were reddening.

''Oh my goodness!'' Mrs. Burton's voice sounded throughout the room and I glanced over my shoulder at her while she hurriedly set a stack of papers on her desk before rushing over to Joyce's aid. ''Are you okay, let me see—oh dear, you might want to get that looked at by the school nurse.''

''No, I think I'm okay,'' Joyce was assuring, making an attempt to stand but hissed out loud and quickly put pressure off of her left ankle. ''Or not...''

''Cloud, could you help escort her to the nurse? I'll clean up the rest here.''

I frowned, glancing down at Joyce who now had tears springing to her eyes and I sighed, setting the paintbrushes I had in my hands down in the sink and brushed my damp hands onto my jeans before heading over to Joyce, wrapping her left arm around my neck and slowly helped her up to her feet, making sure her left foot was raised from the ground before carefully guiding her from the art room and into the hall where a few students were milling about.

''I'm so embarrassed, I can't believe I'm such a klutz.'' Joyce murmured, hobbling on one foot while leaning up against me to keep her other foot up.

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