Quirking my eyebrows, I suddenly felt more brazen and let my words slip out before I realised it. "Have you been stalking me?"

"Me? Of course not. I was just keeping my eyes on you. I saw you coming alone and I was worried that someone might bother you or something." He took a swig of his beer and licked his lips. "Are you only lying to me just to scare me away?"

"I'm not lying," I scoffed at him, turning my body to look away. "He's just late, that's all."

He only hummed, showing me a sly smirk to taunt me. "Well, he better be here soon before I snatch you away."

Taking my drink in my hand, I challenged him with a grin. "What makes you so sure I would go with you? Don't you ever think that I'd rather go home instead if he's not coming?"

His eyes darkened as he leaned in, confidently challenging me with his own wits. "If you really are uninterested, you could've just ignored me or walk away when I started talking to you."

I could only bite my lips. He was right, and I was supposed to walk away the minute I heard his voice. Or better yet, I should have never even come back here in the first place after the day we met each other.

"Don't worry, I'm not a complete asshole. I'll just stay here to keep you company until he comes. What do you say? Wouldn't it be much better than leaving you alone and let random strangers make a move on you?" he suddenly changed his tone of voice, sounding more soft and genuine as he continued, "He wouldn't mind if I'm here for a little friendly talk, would he? I'm completely harmless, I promise."

Should I let him stay? Should I give him a chance to speak and for me to know this Jungkook who is sitting in front of me?

"Fine. You can stay."

His smile widened, and he swiftly took the empty seat next to me, before lifting his hand to request for a refill on both our drinks. Max was quick to see him, and soon we were both sitting there with fresh drinks.

"So, how have you been? I've been wondering why I haven't seen you here after that night we met."

"I've been busy," I quickly answered him, unintentionally sounding a bit harsh that I flinched. I softened the tone of my voice as I recovered. "You're only saying that to flatter me, aren't you? I mean—Do you even remember my name?"

He merely smiled without even once looking away. His vague smile and face expression looked a bit sullen as he spoke, "Of course, I remember—" he said. "______. How could I forget about you?"

The deep gaze he was giving me made me want to look away, feeling completely unsettled with him being there and so close to me. There was something inside me that made me feel as if he was reading me. As if he knew what I was thinking about just by looking.

"Are you playing tonight?" I nodded at the stage to divert his attention away from me and hide my uneasiness.

He turned to follow my gaze, sighing briefly yet never letting his smile to falter. "Yeah, I am," he answered while glancing back at me. "You're going to be staying for my performance, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes and said nothing, and opted to give him another question to answer my deep curiosity instead. "Do you really like playing music?

He shrugged, taking a swig at his beer while his eyes scanned around the pub. "Yeah, you can say that. I used to love it so much, but then it became more of a hobby."

"What made you start playing, then? I mean, performing like you do in a place like this?" I looked away when he turned his gaze back at me, looking somewhat surprised that I seemed interested about what he loved doing. The look in his eyes made me even more flustered that I quickly said, "You don't have to answer. I'm just curious because you don't seem like someone who would do music for money."

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