#3- Forced to Talk to the Player

Start from the beginning


I shift trying to get comfortable in my ice bath. My swim coach in high school always told us to take ice baths after a hard practice. And today's practice was definitely difficult. It's always a little difficult starting a new season.

I am currently waiting Cara to come join me, and yes, I am wearing a swim suit.

"C'mon Cara" I yell to her in the other room.

"No it will be freezing" she yells back.

"That's the point" she doesn't say anything back "trust me, if you don't get into the ice, tomorrow you won't be able to move. Just get your ass in here"

"Fine" she walks into the bathroom hesitantly in her black bikini. She dips her foot it, quickly pulling it back out. "It's cold"

"Get in"

She sighs before fully getting in the water, she starts shivering but after a while stops. Which is how it's supposed to work.

"See, it's not so bad"

"I guess" she says quietly, not quite wanting to admit that I'm right. We only sit in the ice for five minutes, before getting out. Assuring that we don't get sick.

I leave the bathroom in a gray fluffy towel going go to my room. I change into some high waisted sweat pants, fluffy socks, and a sports bra.

I crawl into bed and grab my current book from the night stand. I read it until my eyelids start to flutter, I set the book on my night stand and allow sleep to envelop me.

I wake up to the sound of... moaning?

I sign and rub my eyes. Is Cole is literally having sex on the other side of this wall? I prop myself up on my elbows and bang on the wall. "Next time take your morning hookups somewhere else, Hart".

I hear a groan of protest. But the noises shortly stop. Once I am able to, I roll over and go back to sleep. Which is not that difficult considering that I can literally sleep anywhere at any time. Even if I'm not tired.


Today Cara and I are going to the lake. And by the lake I mean a little pond with a couple big rock to jump from and a rope swing. It's nothing special, but Cara and I have been going to it every once in a while since summer started.

I got a job at the local Starbucks, but I don't work too often. Being a full time student athlete takes a lot of time up.

"Can we stop at Starbucks on the way?" Cara asks as I drive to the lake.

"I guess" I sigh, I love Starbucks, it's just that I'm here more than I should be. Spending more money than I should be spending.

We drive the short way to Starbucks and pull into the drive through.

"What do you want?" I ask Cara.

"An iced caramel macchiato"

"Hi" I say into the speaker, "I'll have one venti dragon drink and one venti iced caramel macchiato"

"Okay, that will be $10.44 at the first window" the lady on the other side of the speaker responds.

We drive up to the next window. I start to get my money ready since it's my turn to pay and since I get an employee discount.

The sliding window opens.

"Your total is $10.44" the guy inside the building looks at me. He has light brown hair and brown eyes, along with black rimmed glasses.

"What about my employee discount?" I ask jokingly, but also not so jokingly.

"Sorry do I know you?" He asks.

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