"What?" I nearly squealed as he cleaned the mess we made on the bed with a sigh. "Are you giving up now?"

"Not really, I just figured that these are useless," he said, waving his arms around to point at the piles of books and papers around him. "Besides, you have been nothing but sceptical anyway, it's only making me more confused to figure out what to look for, you know."

I gave him a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry if I seem that way. I just feel really annoyed and angry because I can't remember what's gotten me into this or why this is happening to me. And I'm also tired because my head keeps hurting when I try to think harder. I'm tired of trying to figure things out, and—"

"What if that's not the whole point for all of this? What if you're not meant to understand what happened and what's going on, and instead just live through it? To move on and embrace the chance you are given? You have been given a gift of a second chance in life, take it and enjoy everything. Maybe that is what you are supposed to have, if you did leap through time as we had thought you did."

A part of me was starting to admit the truth in his words as I looked into his eyes. Deep down I knew that perhaps looking for reasons would only waste my time and energy. So I decided to give in. I was too exhausted to carry on things anyway.

"You're right," I told him. "I just thought that I should at least remember how I got here to know how to fix things and have a better life. But I'm also tired of asking questions at myself."

I was tired of questioning if everything that was inside my head was real.

Taehyung lifted his hand to stroke my hair, showing how he understood the confusions I had, not knowing how he was also helping me ease the throbbing happening in my head. Not that I would tell him that I was in pain.

"Should we let your brother know about this?"

"No! He'll probably freak out. And you know how easily he gets worried about everything." I shook my head. Thinking how Hoseok would react if we ever let him know about all of this, knowing his reaction, only made me worry for his sake. "Well, either that—or he would probably think that my illness is only making me delusional. Or plain crazy."

"Yeah that's true," he chuckled. "He might also think we're plotting to prank him, you know. We kind of did that a lot before he moved out of your house, remember?"

I laughed, remembering some of those moments in our childhood where Taehyung and I had made up so many crazy stories which he fell for so easily, giving us chances to trick him into doing embarrassing things which gave us so many laughs while growing up.

"Those were good times," I sighed, feeling blessed on how those memories were still kept inside my mind, even when they felt so distant. "To be honest, I am still amazed at the fact that my best friend that once won't stop talking about sports and food is now a devoted nerd."

"At least you remember those," he chuckled, before going back to collecting his belongings and leaning back on his chair once he was done putting everything away. "Speaking of delusions—At first, I actually thought that perhaps you injured your head somehow, hence why you kept falling unconscious and repeatedly fainting. And you had a long dream about everything from the concoction. I think I read about it somewhere, about how when your head is severely injured, it gives you continuous headaches and starts you random images that seem real to your brains."

"Delusions, huh?" I asked him. "What if it is? What if this thing I have inside my brain is doing it for me? Giving me images that seem like memories, but they're not real. I mean, it can happen, right?"

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