Big Sleepover

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"I think you should put the tree on that side because people walking past will be able to see" I say and Karen taps her chin for a few minutes.

"Can you make a decision quickly my shoulder hurts" Shawn whines with the tree on his shoulder, making me giggle.

"Yeah I like your idea" she says and Shawn nods before placing the tree where I suggested it should go.

"Now it's time to decorate with the baubles" I squeal before grabbing all of the bags from the kitchen. Me and Karen had been shopping in the morning for Christmas decorations and now we were currently decorating the house.

The theme Karen went for was gold and red very traditional. "I'm going to start putting the tinsel in the banister of the stairs. Shawn do the gold baubles and Serenity you can do the red ones" Karen says and we both nod before she leaves the living room.

"Shawn you need to spread them out" I say and he groans before moving them around the tree carefully.

"Now we have special letter ones to put on the tree" I say showing him the letters S, A, K,M and another S. After hanging them up on the tree we had to put the lights on the tree which Shawn did and I waited until I could switch it on.

"Now" he says and I squeal before pressing the on button the whole tree lit up making me smile brightly.

"It's beautiful" I say and he smile before kissing my cheek.

"Now we need to throw these bags into the trash" I say and he nods following me to the kitchen. But before I turn around he presses me against the counter. "

Shawn what are you doing?" I say and he laughs "mistletoe" he says holding it above our heads making me giggle before placing a kiss on his lips.

"This is beautiful" Karen shrieks from the living room making me push Shawn off me as I run to the living room. Karen's eyes are filled with happiness and content making me smile.

"Thank you for helping me Serenity" she smiles before giving me a hug.

We all hear the front door before we hear Aaliyah shout. "I hate him, I hate everyone and everything!" She yells stomping up the stairs as Manny comes into the living room quietly. I turn to look at Shawn who has a confused face too.

"How did it go?" Karen asks and Manny sighs.

"Well they gave a check for $1000 but they're moving to Vancouver tomorrow and he said he wants nothing to do with Aaliyah or his baby" Manny says as tears pour down Karen's face.

They were talking about the father of the baby Aaliyah was carrying. That was the most heart breaking news that he wants nothing to do with his child.

"I swear I'm going smash that kids skull" Shawn says as his anger flares up as his chest heaves up and down. I grab his hand before he could even move forward.

"Well we just have to support her as her family for now" I say and they nod sadly. I wrap my arms around Karen as she sobs quietly and then Shawn wraps his arms around the both of us.

"Maybe I should check on her" I say and the all nod before I take myself to Aaliyah's room.

I could hear small sobs coming from her room as I opened the door walking in seeing her curled up on the bed. "Hey" I say quietly as I wrap my arms around her letting her sob onto my shoulder.

"Why did this happen to me? I have the worst life ever? And the worst luck!" She sobs quietly and my heart aches as every word comes out of her mouth.

"Aaliyah, you have one of the greatest lives ever. Even if you don't think so I know you do. You have a wonderful family here supporting you and a beautiful baby girl on the way.
I promise you are more fortunate than you think" I say while wiping away her tears and she takes a few minutes to catch her breath.

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