Wedding Night

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After saying goodbye to my family it was obviously time for me to go back to Shawn's condo. We walked to the car and me trailing slowly behind him as my feet were killing me.

Spending hours in heels isn't that comfortable but I'm so glad that I didn't trip over because I assure you, I am the most clumsiest person ever.

Once we made it to his car, he got into the drivers seat leaving me to get myself in to the passengers seat. So I opened the door and pulled up my dress holding it in one hand before lifting myself up into the car and closing the door.

Shawn lived on the other side of town like thirty minutes away from my parents house but it wasn't too far so I was lucky to be still close by.

As he drove slowly I looked outside the window at the dark sky and the moonlight shining. I couldn't wait to take these heels off as they were hurting my feet so much.

Once we arrived at the building Shawn parked up and jumped out. I opened the door but literally as my dress was too long I couldn't see the ground beneath me. Shawn was leaning against the wall on his for waiting for me to get out.

"Shawn" I say quietly and he looks at me:

"I need help getting out because my dress is long and I can't see" I say and he walks over to me rolling his eyes lending me a hand.

I pull my dress up holding it in one hand and then taking his hand. Pushing all my weight down and then landing in the ground successfully.

I followed him into the building as we walked past security and into the elevator. He pushed the top floor which was floor 16. The elevator ride was quick and there wasn't that much awkwardness.

I followed him down the hallway to the last door and watched him unlock it. I followed him in as he switched the lights on his condo was nice. It was spacious and also very simple but I liked it. He shut the door and tossed his keys into a little basket by the door.

I followed him down the corridor into the open space which was the living room. He had two grey couches and a black coffee table in the middle and a big tv on the wall.

"This is the living room, that is my office, the bathroom and that is the bedroom. Down that little hall bit is the kitchen, laundry room and balcony. My office is off limits no one is allowed in there" he says pointing at where everything was and I nod still looking at the place. Wait did he says bedroom as in one.

My eyes widen at the realisation there is only one bedroom.

"Where is all my stuff?" I ask and he goes into the bedroom as I follow behind. I see all my cases lined up against the wall and then I turned to see the bed it was huge with white silk sheets and had rose petals on them. I quickly turned away trying to hide my face he hasn't noticed the bed yet as he is getting stuff out of his closet.

I start unzipping my case and pulling out my pjs which were the all black silk pair. I take my makeup wipes out and hair brush. As I look up I see Shawn brushing of the petals into the bin.

"Sorry my friends are just so annoying" he huffs.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom you can change in here" he says taking his clothes and closing the door behind him.

I take my heels off and place them to one side before I sat down at the mirror wiping all my makeup away and then pulling out the pins from my hair and brushing it out.

I stood up to take my dress off but I couldn't do it so I took a deep breath before trying again. Then Shawn knocks on the door and I go over and open it.
"Why aren't you changed yet?" He asks as he put his suit into the closet.

"I need some help if you could just unzip it for me" I say to him and his eyes widen before he walks over to me. I turn around and pull all my hair to one side, he puts one hand on my shoulder immediately giving me goosebumps.

I hear the zipping noise and then I feel the dress staring to loosen around the front as I hold the material so it doesn't fall. "Thanks" I say quietly as leaves for me to fully get changed.

I change into my pjs putting all my stuff to one side. Then I open the door and walk over to the bathroom to was my face and brush my teeth.

As I walk out he's on his phone sitting on the couch. Where am I going to sleep? I clear my throat and he looks up at me and then his eyes raking my body.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I ask him.

"You can share with me I don't mind or if you feel more comfortable I can sleep in the couch" he says.

"Oh no I wouldn't want you to sleep on the couch" I say and then he nods getting up and going into the bedroom.

I follow behind him as he takes his side of the bed and I get in on the other side. We had a lot of space in between us because obviously we weren't going to be doing anything at all.

I checked my phone quickly before going to sleep and I saw messages from my group chat with Emily, my sisters and cousins-

Autumn- we miss you already x

Ana- so much :(

Stella- yeah I went back to your parents house to get my charger and the house seems so empty without your presence.

Autumn- it is empty with out you

Brielle- Oliver is going to be upset in the morning

Emily- guys stop spamming the chat she might be busy if you know what I mean...

Lana- ooooh that's why she hasn't replied

Emily- our girl is getting it tonight : p

Me- I miss you all too and it feels so empty without any of you here.

Me- ew Emily and Lana! No one is getting it tonight or ever...

Emily- that's what they all say ;)

Me- night x

I put my phone back on the nightstand and they on my back, Staring up at the darkness. I was on the right side of the bed and normally I sleep on the left. I was tossing and turning as I couldn't sleep on this side.

"Shawn?" I whisper and he hums in response.

"I can't sleep on the right side of the bed only the left so please could switch" I say and he groans before he grabs my arms making me squeal and then he flips me over to the other side of the bed.

A smile creeps onto my lips as I close my eyes "thank you" I say quietly before curling up on my side of the bed and falling asleep into complete darkness...

A/N: Thank for almost over 100 reads I'm so happy some people are enjoying this! Thank you for all the votes and comments I really. appreciate it xx ❤️

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