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S H A W N -

My parents, Aaliyah and Serenity's parents were all sitting currently in our living room so I could tell them the news.

"Well there's no easy way to say this but I have a kid. My ex girlfriend contacted me through my lawyer a few months ago and we got a paternity test done to confirm it too" I say and everyone's face drops. My mom and Andrea look like they're going to cry.

"Are you serious Shawn?!" My mom yells at me and I nod while putting my head down in shame.

"This is unbelievable, do you realise how this is effecting my daughters life. I'm definitely not happy about this" Serenity's Dad breathes out as his anger starts rising and Serenity puts her hand in his shoulder and shakes her head 'no' and he sighs.

"It's fine, we should support Shawn now and his child because it's not their fault this is happened. But we will have to work together" Serenity says with a sad smile at everyone and not looking at me.

"Well now that's the plan then?" My mom says in a disappointed tone.

"Well Hana is thinking to bring Skylar over for a few visits so she can be comfortable with us and then just take everything one step at a time, I guess" I say and everyone just sits their quietly not saying anything.

"I think we're done here for the day" Serenity's Dad says while he stands up and her mom also stands up.

"It's was nice seeing most of you" her Dad says in an annoyed tone and I just put my head down as they walk to the front door.

"I'm not happy at all Shawn, but what can we do now. You really need to talk to Serenity, I can't imagine what that poor girl is going through right now" My mom says and I sigh looking at the floor.

"I'm not happy either mom but I didn't know that anything like this would happen, but now it's happened I can't really do anything" I say and the room has just been filled with silence as Serenity walks back into the room taking a seat on the couch.

"Would you like a drink?" She asks my parents.

"No thank you my dear" my mom replies making her smile a little.

"I guess we're going to get going as it's very late" My Dad says as everyone stands up. Aaliyah and my Mom both hug Serenity before walking out of the front door, just leaving me and Serenity alone.

She went to the kitchen and I took a deep breath before following her and sitting down watching her warm up some dinner. She prepared one plate and placed it in front of me and a glass of water.

"Are you not eating?" I ask her and she sighs.

"I'm not that hungry I guess" she says and I mentally kick myself for making her feel this way.

"Please eat something, I'm not letting you go to bed without dinner" I plead her and she shrugs before walking out.

After dinner I put my mess away before going to our bedroom. She was curled on her side of the bed and I could hear faint sniffles coming from her made my heart ache knowing that she's upset because of me. I just laid beside her quietly wanting to comfort her but she needed space...

***3 days later***

The past three days Serenity has kept her distance to just come to terms with the situation and I completely understand but today I really had to apologise to her and clear everything up and make her comfortable with everything.

She was sitting on the couch and I sat down next to her taking a deep breath, "Serenity are you ready for me to talk to you" I say and she sighs before nodding. I take her hand into mine before kissing the back of it.

"I'm sorry for putting you in this situation, I'm sorry for making you upset and insecure, I'm so stupid and I really just don't know what to do either. I promise you I'm not going to leave you. I want to be with you and Skylar. I know it will take time for you and me to adjust but I promise everything will be fine but I need your support and help along the way" I say and she sighs before wrapping her arms around me and burying her face into my chest.

"I forgive because this was not in your control, and I'm ready to support you through this but I want you to promise nothing will change between us" she says while I stroke her hair.

"I promise nothing will change between us ever, we can do this together" I say kissing the top of her head. She pulls her self up looking into my eyes and I look into her watery eyes.

"Now kiss me" she giggles and I shake my head before cupping her face and pulling her into kiss me. Our lips folded together as I put my hand behind her neck pulling her closer to me.

Every time I kissed her or touched her I felt sparks and butterflies erupting through my whole body.

I couldn't believe how happy she made me after I thought I could never be happy again...

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