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It's been three weeks since Shawn told everyone about Skylar and everyone was not very happy with it, especially my parents but I couldn't do anything but as Shawn's wife I was going to support him and I just wanted to be happy with him. Skylar visited a few times and now she was a bit more comfortable with us and I couldn't be more happy knowing that she was also comfortable with me. Today was the test where Hana was going to leave Skylar with us for a while.

"She's going to be here soon, Hana said she's going to leave Skylar with us for an hour or so, alone" Shawn informs me and I nod before switching the tv on putting 'Finding Nemo' on as we patiently waited for the door.

Shawn came crawling to me wrapping his arms around me, "thank you so much, I can't tell you how happy I am" he says smiling against my neck. He cups my face and kisses my lips and then the bell rings making us break apart.

I follow behind Shawn and as we open the door it reveals Hana with Skylar in her arms. "Hey guys" Hana says with a smile.

"Hi Skylar" Shawn says and Hana passes her to Shawn.

"Be a good girl for mommy" Hana says and Skylar nods.

"I'll see you guys in a bit bye" Hana waves as I close the door behind her.

"Skylar- Oh no don't cry" Shawn says as Skylar starts crying.

"Mommy!" She yells and Shawn looked at me with panic on his face.

"Hi Skylar, Do you want to watch a movie?" I say whole stroking her cheek.

"Mommy! I want Mommy!" She yells with tears rolling down her little chubby cheeks.

"Mommy is coming back soon, let watch a movie" Shawn says taking her to the couch as he sat down with her and she still was crying, he wiped away her tears trying to calm her down.

"Skylar do you want some cookies?" I ask her and a little grin appears in her face as she nods, making me and Shawn laugh.

"You definitely are your dad's daughter aren't you" I say poking her stomach making her giggle.

I stand up and they both follow with Skylar clutched to Shawn. He sets her down on the counter as she kicks her feet with a smile as she watches me take out the tray of cookies. "Cookies!" She yells as I give her one and she happily bites into it.

Shawn tries to take one but I swat his hand "No cookies for dada" she giggles and Shawn pretends to frown at her.

While she eats her cookies, Shawn leans against the counter and I lean my back into his chest while his arms are wrapped around my waist.

"She's not just my daughter she's our daughter, it doesn't matter whether she's biologically related to you or not. This is our little family me, you and sometimes Skylar. You both mean everything to me" he says as he kisses my neck and I feel tears fall down my cheek.

Shawn was so sweet.

"No cry! No cry!" Skylar yells and Shawn turns me around to face him.

"Why are you crying now baby?" He chuckles wiping my eyes.

"I'm happy. And I'm happy this is our little family" I say and he smiles, "You always cry when you're happy" he chuckles.

"I'm a emotional and sensitive person, okay" I say and he chuckles.

"You're my emotional and sensitive person, okay?" he says mocking my voice making me giggle.

He leans down and kisses my lips and then we hear "Eww" a little squeal from Skylar who has her nose scrunched up. Shawn tickles her stomach making her laugh as he picks her up and kisses her face all over making her scream and laugh. I smiled and watched their father-daughter bonding.

"Let's go watch a movie now" he says taking her to the living room. Skylar sits in between me and Shawn while the movie 'Frozen' played. She had her eyes glued to the tv while she laughed and sang along to all the songs.

"Hana said she might be a little later then she thought" Shawn says and and I nod.

"Dada dance" she says pulling his hand up and he groans before standing up, she came and grabbed my hand "come on!" She squeals pulling me up. She didn't call me mom which I don't mind because I understand it would take time for her to be ready to call me that.

"Dance!" She screams while moving her little body around, Shawn takes her hand and spins her around making her squeal before he took my hand and spun me around.

After a while, Shawn had an important phone call leaving me and Skylar alone. "I'm sleepy now" she says rubbing her eyes before crawling over to me, I took her into my arms as she laid on my chest with her legs draped either side of me. I stroked my fingers through her hair as she yawned quietly.

"Serenity Oh-" Shawn starts whispering as he pulls his phone out to take a picture of us and he smiles at us before sitting down next to me. "Thank you so much, I'm happy to have someone as supportive as you by my side" he smiles before kissing my lips.

After we sat quietly listening to Skylar snore just as the bell rang. Hana came walking in smiling at Skylar who was sleeping on me.

"I see she's made some great friends" Hana says and I smile before kissing Skylar's head and passing her to Hana, Shawn kisses her little cheeks before we both wave goodbye to Hana.

"Skylar is so fun to have around" I say and Shawn agrees before wrapping his hands under my thighs making me wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Now let's have some fun ourselves" he smirks before running to our bedroom throwing me on to the bed making me squeal and giggle as he attacks me with kisses all over my neck and he starts tickling my sides...

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