His Ex

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I stood in the kitchen waiting for the cookies to be done as I was nervously pacing around because Shawn's ex and child are both coming over soon and I couldn't be anymore stressed the I already am. I have so many questions running g through my mind which is not making it better either.

I heard Shawn walk into the kitchen and he came and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Are you okay?" He asks as I turn around to face him.

"I'm scared what if they don't like me, or get a long with me?" I ask and he sighs.

"They will like you I promise" he says.

"But still what if you ex doesn't like and doesn't let me come near the baby" I say and he sighs.

"Why are you over thinking everything" he says in an annoyed tone.

"How can I not? You ex is coming with you kid to our home, don't you think I would be stressed or insecure about this situation" I say rolling my eyes.

"Why are you feeling insecure? just relax!" He raises his voice slightly at me.

"Are you serious? You're telling me to relax but I don't know if your head is working because you're ex is coming with your child which is already making me insecure. I'm also scared you're going to leave me after they visit us, and I know you said you won't but that's at the back of my mind. It's also not helping you saying 'relax' because I can't just relax!" I yell wiping my watery eyes.

He still didn't say anything but watched me pull out the cookies from the oven and place them to cool.
"And I'm not hiding my feelings because I am upset, I am confused, I am scared and I am insecure but I have the right to be and you should be the one trying to comfort me!" I say wiping my eyes walking straight past him and to the bedroom so I could get ready.

I changed and now it was time to wait so I sat on the couch and Shawn sat on the other one, we just sat in silence waiting anxiously for the bell to ring and as if on cue it rang, making me and Shawn both jump.

Shawn took a deep breath before opening the door and a tall girl with short blonde hair walked in, she was slim with a sharp jawline and deep cheekbones, her eyes were dark green colour not light like mine. Now I was feeling even more insecure. In her arms was a small child with blonde curly hair in a little pink dress.

"Hey Shawn- and I don't think we've met before" she says as she comes in.

"Hey I'm Serenity" I say with a polite smile as I take her into the living room. She takes a seat and whilst cradling the small child in her arms. Shawn came and took a seat next to me.

"Well I'm Hana and this is little Skylar" she says as she turns the Skylar around to face us.

She had blonde hair like Hana but it was curly like Shawn's, she had dark green eyes like her Hana's eyes but she had a lazy eye like Shawn.

"She's so beautiful" I say whilst looking at her.

"She's a little angel" Shawn says with a proud smile on his face.

"Skylar wave" Hana says trying to get her to wave or at least smile but she didn't, she clutched onto her mother.

"Hi Skylar" Shawn says moving closer to her but she looked at him with a blank expression.

"Would you like a drink water, coffee or juice?"I ask her as I get off the couch.

"I'll just have water thank you" she says while I walk off to the kitchen. I grab a plate putting cookies on to it and two glasses of water. Before walking and placing it onto the coffee table.

"Wow this place hasn't changed at all" she says and I shake my head in disgust just thinking about her living her with Shawn instead of me.

"So why did you contact me now and not before?" Shawn asks and she sighs.

"To be completely honest I broke up with my boyfriend and move back here with my parents and ever since Sky was born I've been wanting to tell you but you never picked up my phone calls or email so I gave up. Then I emailed your lawyer because I want you to be in Skylar's life because she's your daughter too" she says and Shawn sighs. Being completely honest Hana was nice and she didn't seem that bad than I thought.

"Cookie!" Skylar yells as Hana reaches over giving her a cookie to satisfy her.

"Well where does that leave us from here?" Shawn asks as he watches his daughter enjoy the cookie.

"I was thinking if we meet regularly so she can get comfortable with you both because as you can see she's very attached to me and it may take time to get used to new people" Hana says and we both agree with her.

"Sky look do you know who that is?" Hana says pointing at Shawn and Skylar shakes her head.

"That's your daddy" Hana says and Skylar looks at Shawn and then Hana with a confused expression.

"Do you want to pick her up?" Hana asks Shawn and he shakes his head 'no'.

"Why are you scared? she's your daughter, and you're sitting on the couch so you won't drop her" Hana chuckles before picking Skylar up and placing her on Shawn's lap.

Shawn looked terrified but he wrapped his arms around her and just looked at her with a smile while she happily ate her cookie. I felt a tear prick from my eyes as I wiped it and just watch Shawn interact with his daughter.

"Are you crying Serenity?" Hana asks and Shawn turns his head to face me.

"I'm just happy" I say with a smile wiping away my tear and Hana chuckles.

"Dada!" Skylar giggled while poking Shawn's face and he stroked her cheek with his finger as the cookie was falling out of her mouth.

"That's right I'm your dada" Shawn says and she smiles.

"I'm sorry but we actually have to leave but we can definitely plan something again" Hana smiles taking Skylar from Shawn wiping her mouth and picking up her purse.

"Say bye" Hana says and Skylar waves at us before we follow them out to the door waving them off. I closed the door and cleared up the table putting it away in the kitchen.

"Serenity-" I hear Shawn say as I walked back to the couch.

"I'm fine, I just need space to get myself and the situation together" I says and he sighs.

"I'll give you time and space but please talk to me when you're ready because I never wanted you to feel left out or make you feel upset" he says and I take his hand and give him a small smile.

"Let's just forget about and talk later" I say and he gets his arms out for me to curl up in.

We laid on the couch in silence and I closed my eyes as I hugged him tightly...

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