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I rubbed my eyes and then opening them seeing I was in a completely different surrounding, I was in the place I hated the most which was the hospital.

I couldn't remember anything after I became unconscious. A dry cough left my throat and then I heard movement. My parents came into view, they had red eyes but my mom smiled when she saw me.

"How are you feeling dear?" My Dad asks as he takes my hand into his. "I'm okay" I whisper and they sigh.

"We were so worried about you" my mom says with sigh.

"Can I just do some checks on her please" I hear a voice and then the doctor comes to the side of my bed. My mom and dad both help me sit up and as my eyes fluttered and scanned the room I saw my sisters, Karen and Shawn.

Our eyes met and his were red and puffy shaking that he had been crying. His hazel brown orbs were dark and red as he looked into my eyes but I turned my head away because I couldn't look after him not after yesterday.

Karen stood up and came closer, patting my limp hand "how are you feeling, I'm so sorry" she says trying not to cry. I could feel the tension and I guess that my parents knew about yesterday.

"I'm fine, please don't say sorry for something that's not your fault" I say and she wipes her eyes.

The doctor starts checking my breathing and other stuff while I lay their limp. Karen decided to go out for some fresh air.

"Everyone can't stay in here so it's up to you who you want to stay" the doctor says and I take a deep breath.

I looked at Shawn who was standing against the wall, he stared into my watery eyes.

"I want my family to stay in here, my real family" I emphasise the 'my' and I could see the hurt expression across Shawn's face as he left the room but I didn't care at this point.

I closed my eyes as tears slipped down my cheeks because as hurt and broken as I was, I didn't want to be like this.

I hated this, all I wanted was to be at home cuddled up in the couch eating ice-cream with him.

"You will be able to go home once you have ate something and had your last check up" the doctor says leaving the room.

"I'm so sorry" my mom whispers wiping my cheek as I tried to control my breathing.

"Have you all been here the whole night?" I ask and my dad nods.

"Why don't you guys go home and rest, then pick me up once I'm discharged" I say holding onto my mom's hand.

"We can't do that honey" she says and I sigh.

"How can you take care of me if you guys don't rest yourself, just go home relax and I'll call you once I'm finished. Please" I say and my mom sighs.

The only reason I'm sending them home is because I won't be able to talk to Shawn if they're here. "Please" I whisper and they sigh.

"We'll be back in an hour then" my dad says and I smile weakly at them.

It's been almost twenty minutes and the door slowly opens revealing Shawn. He had a bouquet of roses in his hand which were my favourite, he had my favourite tacos as well, he placed it on the table on the side of my bed. I turned my face the other way so I didn't see his face.

"Serenity I can't tell you how sorry I am, I was so stupid and I will never forgive myself ever for saying that" he says and I sigh trying not to cry.

"I don't understand why Shawn? I didn't do anything but try and be there for you" I say as I choke on my sobs and he sighs.

"I don't know I'm just so stupid because I was thinking about the fight at the gym, I wanted to tell you but I feel like you wouldn't believe me" he says as he walks over and takes my hand in his.

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