Christmas Decor

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S H A W N-

My eyes opened to the sound of the closet opening and closing. I turned slightly seeing Serenity changing for work, she was so effortlessly beautiful.

"Watching you change messes with my head" I smirk and she gasps before turning around.

"Shawn!" She says as I could see her cheeks blush slightly and I chuckle. She finishes buttoning her blouse up before walking back over to me. She sits down as I roll over placing my head in her lap letting her slowly play with my hair.

"We need to go shopping for Christmas decorations" she says as I nod with my eyes still closed.

"We still have time" I mumble as I enjoy the feeling of her fingers slide in my hair.

"No Shawn we don't have that much time, please can we go today after work" she whines and I sigh.

"Maybe tomorrow" I say and she groans.

"Pretty please" she pleads and I shake my head, her small hands cup my face making me open my eyes before she places little kisses all over my face making me smile. "Please" she whispers against my lips making me give in before I nod.

"Fine I'll take you today" I say and she squeals before clapping her hands. She leans down and kisses my lips once more.

"Thank you" she beamed and I look into her big glistening eyes which we so beautiful and bright.

"Well I'm off to work now I'll see you later" she smiles before getting up but I grab her hand pulling her back into the bed as a small scream escaped her lips before she turns her head and laughs.

The sound of her laugh was like music to my ears, I could listen to her sweet laugh forever. "Shawn I really need to go" she says and I shake my head wrapping my arms around her tightly, before nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck inhaling her sweet rose scent.

The scent which gave me comfort, hope and it was the scent of my home which was Serenity.

"Baby, just quit your job and stay in bed with me all day" I say and she giggles.

"Shawnnnn I can't even if I want to, but tomorrow is Saturday so we can stay in bed all day" she says and I sigh before kissing her neck and getting off her.

She places a small kiss on my cheeks before standing up fixing her shirt and her hair. "I'll see you soon, I love you" she says blowing me a kiss which I pretend to catch.

"I love you too" I yell before I hear the front door slam making me face plant back into my pillow.

After struggling for an hour I made it to work as I didn't feel like working at home and I had a meeting.

I slammed my hand down on my desk in frustration from the deal that I wasn't getting. I picked up the little phone on my desk letting it ring to the front desk. "Amy, I need you to send me file 508 and a cup of black coffee" I say before disconnecting the call.

Minutes later the door opens as she places all the things on the desk. "Thank you" I mumble before she leaves the office quietly.

I was in the zone working away before my phone beeped making me stop before glancing at my phone.

From: Serenity
Heyyyy! I hope your day is going well, work hard. I'll see you later for CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!
I love you x

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