Grocery Shopping

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I woke up and dragged myself out of bed because I had a lot to do. Barely being able to open my eyes still rubbing them and yawning I opened the door and took myself to the kitchen.

As I was walking into the kitchen I collided into the wall, well I thought it was the wall until a pair of arms held my waist pulling me up. My eyes shot open immediately coming face to face with Shawn.

He steadies me up and I walk past him into the kitchen. He slowly follows behind me as I pour myself a cup of coffee and sit down on a stool as I lay my head on my hands.

"My parents invited us for dinner tonight at 7pm" I say as my voice creaks. I take a few sips of my coffee as he stands there leaned against the counter in his pjs.

"Serenity" he says in his raspy morning voice which would make any girl melt at the sound.

I look at him and he looks around nervously before he decides to say something "I-I didn't mean what I said yesterday, I was under work pressure and I- uh" he was trying to apologise but his pride wouldn't let him say the two simple words 'I'm sorry'.

A grin creeps up on my lips and he looked at me confused.

"I'll save you the trouble, it's fine Shawn I know you never meant it" I says and he lets out a sigh of relief. I didn't want to create a huge deal out of it and plus I really just want to move on and try getting along with him.

"We need to go grocery shopping" he says.

"I will go out and buy some in a bit" I say as I take a few more sips on my coffee.

"Once you're ready we can both go" he says as he leaves the kitchen.

He wants to take me grocery shopping? I was so confused at him acting kind but I didn't mind because this gave us a chance to get closer, well I

I quickly hopped in the shower and changed into denim shorts with a green blouse tucked in and white converse. I brushed my wet hair leaving it out to air dry before grabbing my purse.

I walked into the living room and Shawn dressed casual in black jeans and a white t-shirt, was sat on the couch on his phone. "I'm ready" I say and he stands up grabbing his keys and walks over to the front door as I follow behind him.

We make it out into the car and I buckle myself in as he starts driving the car is filled with awkward silence until I decide to break it. "Do you like the way I organised our room?" I as him hoping he would.

"It's...nice" he says and I smile while tapping my fingers against the window. I had nothing else really to say to him so the rest of the drive was quiet as the radio played.

Once we were in the grocery store I grabbed the cart and started filling it up with stuff. Shawn trailed behind me as he looked at stuff .

"You know I haven't been grocery shopping in a few years" he says I immediately turn around to face him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well I normally do online grocery orders or get some on to bring it to the house" he says

"Why didn't you just come yourself?" I ask him.

"I used to all the time it was fun but then I got busy and never really had time to" he shrugs and I nod while pushing the cart around.

"Oh my god we need ice-cream!" I yell excitedly grabbing Shawn's arm and dragging him to the freezer, while everyone stared at us.

"Serenity, calm do-" before he could finish his sentence I dumped a few cartons of ice cream into his arms.

He walked back over to the cart dumping them into the cart and then pushing it back over to the freezer where I was. "That's enough now" he says pulling me away from the freezer.

"One more please" I say and he shakes his head
"We already have four cartons" he says and I pout crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine one more only but no more of that unicorn sprinkle flavour" he says with a small grin creeping onto his face.

"That's the best flavour but I'll get a different flavour" I say as I open the freezer getting out a double chocolate chip carton putting it into the cart.

We carried on pushing the cart around the grocery store and I couldn't help but notice someone staring at us a guy with short blonde hair a bright green eyes. I shrugged it off and carried on walking with Shawn around the grocery store.

"How about some avocados to make homemade guacamole" he says holding up two avocados.

"I'm allergic to avocados" I say he looks at me in disbelief.

"Really?" He says and I nod.

Then I see some tomatoes which I know Shawn hates so I grab one and turn around "Shawn" I call out and he turns around as I throw the tomato at him and he catches it making his nose scrunch in disgust.

Before putting it back where the rest of the tomatoes were, "That wasn't very funny" he says crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well I'll have you know it was very amusing" I chuckle and he rolls his eyes. I was actually having fun shopping with Shawn today.

We pushed the cart to the counter to pay for the grocery's and Shawn didn't let me pay or carry the bags to the car.

Once we got back he placed all the bags on the counter before I started packing everything away while he was in his office doing work or whatever.

"Serenity!" I heard him yell my name making me jump and immediately run to his office but he's not there and then I ran to the bedroom where he was pulling out the drawers.

"I'm looking for a green folder! Where is it" he yelled searching the whole room for it.

"Shawn stop, I know where it is" I say and he shuts the drawer impatiently waiting for the folder.

I open the last drawer getting the green folder and handing it to him. He sighed in relief before taking it in his hands. "Thanks" he says before walking back to his office.

I shook my head before cleaning the mess that he made. After I was done we still had time before we had to go for dinner at my parents house.

I switch on the tv putting Brooklyn nine-nine on and laying on the couch. I hear footsteps and see Shawn coming out of the office with his folders and satchel bag. "I have to go for a meeting I'll be back for dinner" he says and I roll my eye as he leaves the apartment.

I decided to carry on watching Tv instead of doing laundry like I wanted to but I was just too lazy. I had a few hours before I had to go to dinner anyway...

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