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I open my eyes to the bed next to me all empty, I pick my head up to see Shawn sitting by the fire looking deeply lost in his thoughts. I slowly crawl out of bed even my feet making noise across the wooden floor doesn't make him turn his head. I sigh before approaching closer to him, he looks up at me before letting me sit on his lap.

I rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me. "What's wrong?" I ask him and he sighs.

"I'm just stressed" he says with a frown. I cup his cheek stroking his cheek with my thumb giving him a small smile.

"Everything will be fine, Aaliyah will be fine and we're here to support her together." I say and he sighs.

"I know but I'm thinking about her she's graduating soon and how is she going to go to college and pursue her career if she has a baby now it will just be a burden on her" he says and I place my finger on his lips and shake my head.

"Don't call the baby a burden because it's not, this baby could be the happiest thing for her" I say and he rolls his eyes,

"But it is a FUCKING BURDEN. You're clearly not seeing the other side how will she cope in the future with it" he growls making me jump, I get off his lap as tears start forming in my eyes.

"First it's not an IT it's a baby, a human being, second of all how would you like it if you were born knowing that everyone thought you were just a burden on them, it wouldn't be very nice would it. So stop saying that it's a burden ITS A BABY for god's sake! And lastly if you just stop thinking that Aaliyah's life is ruined, you need to change that attitude because I will not have you call that unborn child a burden because that's not the title it deserves" I yell at him wiping my eyes as I clenched my jaw, his face immediately pales. This was a sensitive topic for me and not only that but that baby deserves the world, no one should be treated or labelled like this.

"Serenity I-" he trails on with guilt in his eyes before I cut him off.

"No don't talk to me until you have changed that attitude because frankly I don't think you should be treating or saying horrible things about a baby who has caused no harm to you, whatsoever" I say holding my hand up so he couldn't talk to me. I wipe my eyes before walking into the bathroom.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before putting my hair up into a pony tail. I took a deep breath before coming out of the bathroom and Aaliyah was standing in the room and I didn't want to cause her anymore stress so I put on the biggest smile.

"Aaliyah, hey how are you feeling?" I say with a smile and then hugging her and she smiles.

"I feel much better after getting everyone's support. All thanks to you" she says and I shake my head with a chuckle, I look over her shoulder and Shawn was standing there with his arms crossed looking really guilty.

"You look like you've been crying more then me, your eyes are so red" she exclaims looking into my eyes and I nervously laugh.

"My eyes are like this if I don't get enough sleep" I lie and she nods before raising her eyebrows at me with a giggle.

"Anyway I've come to see you because tomorrow I have an appointment I want you and mom to come with me" she says and my eyes widen.

"You want me to come with you?" I ask her and she nods biting her lip.

"Really? I would love to come with you" I say and she hugs me again, "Thank you" she smiles.

"Now let's have breakfast I'm so hungry" she giggles taking my arm as we both walk out of the door and I turn to give one glance at Shawn who was looking at the floor. We walked down the steps making it into the dining room where everyone was nervously keeping their gaze on Aaliyah as she took a seat next to me.

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