Wedding day (2)

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S H A W N -

The music started playing as I watched her mom and little brother walk down the aisle giving me a small smile which I returned. Then the bridesmaids slowly coming one by one and taking their place on the other side of the alter.

Then Serenity in her long white gown walking down slowly with her arm linked to her Dad walking up to me.

I couldn't say that Serenity wasn't attractive because hell she was so attractive.

She probably had a boyfriend I mean anyone would take her any day. I really wanted to try making the "marriage" work but I just couldn't not after my ex. She was also probably one of those gold diggers just after money, there is no way she would willingly marry me.

I said to myself I wasn't going to let another woman into my life even if Serenity tried I wouldn't let her.

She approached closer lifting her dress up slightly allowing her to step up. Then her bouquet is taken from her sister and her hand is placed into mine by her dad. "Take care of her" he says with a tear sparking in his eyes and I nod. Then he smiles before taking a seat.

The priest says all the vows and all that jazz. I really couldn't wait for this commotion to be over because I was tired and I had to go to work in the morning.

"You may now kiss your bride" the priest says and I look at Serenity's face her innocent face looking at me as she gulped. I took a deep breath before leaning in and capturing her soft pink lips between mine.

When we pulled apart I looked at her cheeks all red as cheers roared in hall and applauding echoed.

S E R E N I T Y-

He just kissed me.

Shawn took my first kiss, I didn't even realise what was happening as my body was in shock and still tingled. I looked at him dressed in a lavish maroon suit. I swear I have never been more attracted to him then this. I literally have no words but he looked amazing.

The tables were decorated with beautiful centre pieces across them. Everything was elegant and really nice.

Shawn took my hand and led me to the table where we would be eating. I sat beside him and the rest of the table was filled with my bridesmaids and his friends and Aaliyah. Chatter was all you could hear around the hall.

While everyone was eating dinner me and Shawn were taken to the 'bridal suite' I was in previously, to take some couple photos.

As we were having an evening wedding we couldn't take pictures outside. However the suite had one wall decorated for me and Shawn to take pictures. Shawn wrapped his arms around my waist as we both smiled at the photographer.

We took loads of pictures doing loads of different poses which some of them were uncomfortable, because we had to look like we were 'in love'. But to me it seemed like Shawn just wanted to strangle me.

After that we were taken back into the hall where we took family pictures and hugged loads of people. Then some of the tables were cleared for me and Shawn to have our 'couples dance'. Everyone took their chairs and sat around as the music played.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine and in that moment it felt like no one was around. Just me and him together. Well until I hear the camera's clicking and people whistling at us.

As we swayed side to side the first song was over however people started to join around us. I didn't know how long we would have to do this for as my feet were hurting so much at this point. I was looking at my parents dancing and Shawn's parents dancing while I was still dancing with Shawn and then he cleared his throat making me look at him.

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