Mendes Family Skii Trip (4)

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Shawn and I both gasp as we see a pregnancy test in front of us...

And it was positive.

I feel a huge lump form in my throat as I turn to face Shawn who looks as shocked as I was. My heart was breaking at the thought that Karen though I was pregnant. I wanted to cry but I bit my lip as I looked at the ground.

"Mom we're- not" Shawn stutters and I look up seeing her expression dropped her face turned pale as well as ours. "Are you sure?" She asks and we both nod.

"How-it has to be, because-" Karen trails before Shawn cuts her off.

"Mom it's not ours and we are one hundred percent sure" she still looks at me disbelief and I gulp.

"Or have you not told him?" She asks and he turns his face to me waiting for an answer.

"That's not mines" I say as my voice trembles.

Shawn takes my hand into his squeezing it and giving me a small smile. "If you're not-then who is it?" She says and we both look at each other.

"It's mine" a familiar voice says from behind us and as we turn I see Aaliyah standing there in tears. All of our jaws drop to the ground as I feel Shawn tense up beside me.

"EXCUSE ME YOUNG LADY" Karen yells and Aaliyah shuts the kitchen door before tears pouring out of her eyes.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Karen says and she chokes on her sobs.

"It's mine" she whimpers and Shawn lets go if my hand.

"AALIYAH ARE YOU CRAZY! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO YOUR LIFE!" He yells at her making her cry even more and my heart breaks into pieces seeing her like this.

"I'm sorry- I-I don't know what to do-" she sobs wiping her eyes.

"YOU'RE ONLY 17! How irresponsible could you be" Shawn yells making me jump as I hold him back but he furiously yanks my arm off him storming out the kitchen. Karen wipes her eyes and walks out of the kitchen to shutting the door leaving Aaliyah in a mess.

I walk up to her wrapping my arms around her as she sobs. I rub her back as I try to hold my sob back too because I didn't want to cry in front of her. This also explains why she's been acting different since she got here as I put all the pieces together.

"I-I'm sorry" she chokes on her sob and I pat her back.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, it's alright we can get through this I promise" I say as I wipe her tears.

"Let's go to your room" I say I quickly turn off the oven as we quietly sneak out the kitchen and up the steps slowly.

We get to her room as she sits on the bed sobbing, I sat next to her as I stroke her hair. "I'm sorry, I'm such a disappointment. I can't believe how stupid I was" she says as she sobs hysterically.

"You're not a disappointment and you're not stupid. This just happened by accident and accidents happen it's alright. I'm here for you every step of the way" I say and I wipe away her tears.

"Mom hates me, Shawn hates me and Dad probably hates me too" she chokes on her sobs.

"They don't hate you I promise they're just confused and worried. I will speak to them I promise please don't worry" I say as I wipe her tears trying to calm her down.

"Calm down I'll speak to them I promise please relax, watch a movie and I'll be back" I say as I kiss the top of her head walking back to the room where Shawn and I were staying in.

I opened the door seeing Shawn pacing around, "Shawn please calm down" I say to him as I grab his hand.

"IM GOING TO KILL THE GUY WHO FUCKING LAID HIS HANDS ON HER" he yells kicking the chair making me jump back.

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