Wedding day

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I was woken up by the sunlight brightening my room and also my mom's face appearing right in front of me. She had a bright smile on her face and bright glossy green eyes, I rubbed my eyes and sat up against the headboard.

Today was the day.

The BIG day.

I looked over at my little brother still fast asleep my mom came round the other side and carried him back to his room so I could get ready.

Both my sisters came in sitting beside me on my bed, I sighed deeply before closing my eyes again.
"This is it I guess" Ana says.

"I'll be back you can't get rid of me that quick" I say poking her arm and she chuckles.

"We're going to miss you so much" Autumn says.

"I'm going to miss you guys more" I say and both turn throwing their arms over me trapping me in the middle of them.

"Girls up it's time for breakfast" my mom's voice suddenly filling the silence making me jump.

We all groan before rolling out of bed and rushing downstairs and in to the dining room where breakfast was laid out in the table.

"Last breakfast at home" my mom says as she pours orange juice into my cup.

"Why is everyone talking like I'm not coming back at all!" I exclaim and they chuckled.

"We never meant it like that but it will be a while before you do come home so you can get adjusted to married life" my dad says and I roll my eyes.

After breakfast I took a nice long shower also giving myself a pep talk trying to calm myself. Once I step out just in undergarments and a robe over myself I see Leanne setting all the makeup on my desk.

I take a seat while she starts doing my makeup and I look over at the clock it's only 11am. Leanne was very happy chatting away about her boyfriend and I really wasn't in the mood but I just nodded along to everything she was saying. Then my phone beeped several messages from Emily and my cousins-

From: Emily
Morning your highness, I'll be over soon.
From your peasant.

From: Brielle
Morning Serenity, I just steamed my dress then I'm going start my make but I'll be at your house with Chris soon xx

From: Stella
Hey my beautiful cousin!! I'm getting ready and I'll be at yours soon. My mom and Dad are going straight to them venue with Sammy! Xx

From: Lana
Sup my sexy bride! I'll be at your house soon if I can hitch a ride from Brielle or I'll Uber it! Anyway love ya x

I smiled at all their messages before replying to them as I waited for Leanne to finish my makeup and then she started on my hair. While she was doing that my sisters came into the room wearing long pastel pink chiffon dresses with a white lace ribbon in the middle. Their hair and makeup all done and then my Mom came in all ready too.

"Mom don't cry" I say as I see her eyes starting to tear up Autumn rubs her arm.

"I can't help it my little baby is going to be married in a few hours" she says.

"Well this was your choice" I say and she frowns but I was only telling the truth. 

"Your all done now let's slip you into your gown" Leanne says as I stand up. As my mom unzips it for me to slip into to. I put my arms throw and let Leanne zip is up for me before just adjusting it.

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