Forty Eight

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Riley's POV

With Lydia's help, I moved as fast as I could outside. The first person I saw was Alicia, standing next to Rick, my Dad's shotgun in her hands.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?! RILEY!!" Alicia shouted as soon as she saw me. "YOU BASTARDS! I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Rick Grimes. Pleasure to see you again." Beta said as he walked forward towards the chain linked fence. Ignoring Alicia. "And you brought Madison. Thank you."

"Give us Riley and we'll let your people live. I mean, that's awful kind of me to do seeing as what your people did to my family was pretty fucked up."

"No can do Rick. Riley is one of us."

"Bullshit." Alicia said as she banged the fence.

"It's true Alicia." Alpha walked forward, a cruel smile on her face. "She's one of us. She always has been. Always will be. She played each and everyone of you."

Alpha lying made my blood boil, they were trying to wind up my family. This wouldn't end well.

"See, I know you're a lying little bitch." Rick laughed. "I've known Riley since she was a baby. Her Father and I, we were partners in the police force. So quit lying and give us Riley."

"Well I might have lied about her playing you but....She is one of us now. Right Riley?" Alpha asked, looking over her shoulder and smirking at me.

I remained silent but one of the Whisperers pushed me in the back slightly.

"I am."

"You're lying. They threatened you didn't they?" Alicia shouted, looking hurt, looking confused...Looking desperate for me to be lying.

"They said if I didn't join they would kill you. I couldn't let that happen." I said as tears began to sting my eyes. "You mean so much to me. All of you do."

There was only one way everyone got out of this safely. I had to do it...I had to. All my true feelings were coming out in this moment. I no longer felt hatred towards Rick. I knew I was in love with Alicia. I knew everyone in the group was my family and I had to protect them.

I grabbed Lydia's hand and squeezed it gently. "I'm getting you out of here." I whispered.

Lydia gave me a confused look but I walked towards the gate and opening it with her help.

"What are you doing?" Alpha growled. "I'll kill Alicia. You leave then my word means nothing."

"I'm not leaving. She is." I said pushing Lydia out of the gate and using all my strength to close it.

I walked back to where I was stood before and watched with a smile on my face as Madison and Lydia reunited.

Lydia noticed Carl and ran towards him, they kissed slowly and sweetly. Young love. Incredible to see these days.

"Rick, I no longer hate you. It still hurts that you killed my Dad and I don't think I'll ever get over it...But I understand why. He went to a place he wouldn't be able to get away from."

Rick tilted his head to the side, he was confused as to why I was saying this now.

"I love you Alicia."

"I love you too Riley." She smiled, putting her fingers through the fence. "I loved you for a long time."

I smiled at her before turning my back towards them, walking towards Alpha. What nobody noticed was that I took Lydia's knife.

"I will never be one of you." I growled before digging the knife deep into Alpha's stomach. "My name's Riley Walsh and I am not a Whisperer. I am a survivor."

Suddenly, a sharp pain hit me in the side of the head as I heard a loud bang.. I fell to my knees, wincing in pain.

I put my hand to my head to see there was blood.

"Fucking idiot. Grazed me." I laughed, standing back up.

"You alright?" Rick asked in shock.

"Yeah I'm fi-"

Another bang, this time I clutched my stomach, I looked up to see Beta holding a gun, pointing it at me. Suddenly, everyone on the other side of the fence began to shoot the unarmed Whisperers.

I made my way to the gate and pushed it open, falling to my knees once I managed to. I stood back up weakly, staggering towards my family.

Alicia ran towards me as everyone else continued to shoot.

"Riley." She grabbed me just as my legs gave way. "Stay with me." She begged.

"I had to protect you." I said, my voice coming out in a whisper.

"I know. It's okay. You'll be okay."

"Riley." Charlie cried as she fell to her knees beside me. "Please don't leave me. I need you. Alicia needs you. We all need you."

I smiled weakly and gently touched her cheek. "You don't need me. You're all strong on your own."

"I love you Riley Walsh. You hear me? I love you." Alicia cried.

"I love you too."

My eyes grew heavy, everything began to sound quiet but the one thing that sounded loud was my Father's voice.

"Riley. Hey baby girl. I missed you. Your Mom is here. She's so proud of you."

A small smile crept on to my face as everything turned black...I was going to see my Mom and Dad again. I was finally going home.

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