Forty Five

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Riley's POV

I felt like I was going to throw up. My head was pounding, my entire body ached. I couldn't open my eyes and I knew I needed to. What if I was dead? I had to get back to everyone. I had to get back to my family.

"Calm down." An unfamiliar, yet familiar voice spoke. "God, you're shaking."

I felt a hand press against my cheek and I felt myself relax. Then a stinging sensation. I snapped my eyes open and used all my strength to push whoever it was away. It resulted in me falling off a bed, causing more pain to surge all over my body.

"You need to calm down. I'm not going to hurt you."

I was backed against the wall, too weak to move. I studied her, trying to figure out where I knew her from.

"Who are you?"

"We met before..Briefly...I'm Lydia...My Mom kinda runs the show around here."

The Whisperers had gotten me. I lowered my head, my eyes began to grow heavy again. I felt hands gently grab me and pull me to my feet. Guiding me back to the bed. I layed down, trying to stay awake.

"This is gonna hurt but please don't jump out of bed again. It's important I tend to your cuts so they don't get infected."

I was too tired to say anything. I just winced a couple of times when she touched my cuts.

"I think you may have sprained your wrist. You're lucky that's all you got away with. Beta doesn't usually let the people he captures off with no injuries except the ones they sustained on their own. He usually beats them almost to death."

I turned my head to look at her, trying my hardest to keep my eyes open. "Why did he take me?"

Lydia shrugged her shoulders. "Ever since I got close with Madison and ever since she escaped, I don't get told about important things around here anymore. My guess is though, they're trying to lure your group here. See, their problem was at first with Rick, then Madison came along...Now they have both of them in the palm of their hands. I'll try and get you out of here but I'll need you to give Carl a message if I don't get out too."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you when it's time."

I closed my eyes, allowing sleep to take over but it didn't last long as the door opened and someone else entered the room.

"Lydia, leave please."

I opened my eyes to see a different female stood in front of me.

"Hello Riley, let's have a little chat."


"Come on, don't be like that. We already know eachother."


"That's right. Now, you're probably wondering why you're here? Well, I see so much strength in you. You're a survivor and you actually inspire me...I would love it and I know everyone here would love it..If you joined us. Became one of us."

I laughed weakly and shook my head. "You clearly don't know."

"Know what?"

"The reason I can't join you."

"And what is your reason?"

"Because I'm going to fucking kill you."

Alpha stood up and nodded her head. "Alright then. Beta."

The door opened again and a man walked in, an evil smile playing on his lips.

"Do what you want but keep her alive."

"Of course Alpha."

As he came closer, I kept eye contact with him. I wasn't going to let him see me scared.

"Bring it on, asshole."

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