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It had been a long winter. There was hardly any game. The small amount of animals Riley did find were already claimed by the dead. She was hungry. She was tired but she had to keep going. She had to get away from them. She had to be as far from them as possible. She didn't want to kill anyone but she knew if she stayed she would've killed someone.

It was just coming up to spring and the weather was warmer than it had been. Riley was thankful she didn't have to walk around or run in her huge winter coat. It made it hard to run from the dead, sometimes the living.

She had thrown her old winter stuff in a box she found and left it at the side of the road. Maybe it would find a use for someone else.

She walked down the empty road, knife in hand. Her knife was always in her hand. It was like it was glued to her. She refused to let it go, just like she refused to part ways with the shotgun, even though she couldn't use it due to the lack of ammo. It belonged to someone special, it was fastened securely in her backpack, just like the necklace she wore was safely around her neck. Another thing she refused to part ways with.

Her stomach growled and she closed her eyes, wanting the hunger to stop. Praying for it to stop.

Keep going. Just a little further Riles. Just one more day, it'll be okay kid.

She heard her Father's voice in her head. It pushed her to keep going. In the distance she saw houses and what appeared to be a baseball stadium.

"There has to be something there." She said to herself.

She knelt to the ground, removing her backpack and grabbing the last bottle of water and last piece of food she had, a small chocolate bar.

"There's bound to be walkers or people could be there. I'll need my energy to fight." She talked herself up. "Maybe I'll die, but I have to try. I have to try for you Dad."

She opened the chocolate bar and quickly shoved it in her mouth, trying to chew as fast as possible so the hunger pain would stop. She drank most of her water, using the rest to cool herself down by pouring it over head.

She put her backpack over her shoulders again, moving it around slightly as the shotgun dug into her neck, once it was at a comfortable angle, she began to run to the small town.

She was terrified, but wasn't everyone? Even if they didn't show it or admit it.

She crouched behind a red pick up truck and looked at her surroundings. No walkers. No people.

Looking at the houses, they had all been raided.

"Fuck." She sighed annoyed.

She heard the familiar growl of a walker from behind her and as she turned around, she came face to face with the ugly creature.

She fell on her ass as she tried to back away quickly but she soon pushed herself back on to her feet and she began to run again. This time heading for the baseball stadium that wasn't too far away.

She hissed in pain as she felt her ankle hurt, she had twisted it awkwardly but she'd be okay. The pain soon went and she carried on running, catching the attention of even more walkers.

She ran into the open space of the parking lot and looked around. Nowhere to hide except inside the stadium.

"Stay where you are." A voice demanded.

"Shit." She said looking up to see a man pointing a rifle at her.

"You take another step and I'll shoot you." He warned.

Riley looked behind her to see the dead stumbling closer. She turned back around and jumped slightly as the man shot his rifle, but he took the dead down as the gates of the stadium opened.

She was greeted by a group of people pointing their guns at her. A woman stepped forward, aiming her pistol at her.

"What's your name and business here?" The woman asked her.

"The name's Riley...I'm just surviving."

"You got a group?"

"No Ma'am."

The woman lowered gun as she reached Riley.

"You want a group?"

Riley shook her head and looked down. "No Ma'am. I don't do too well with groups."

"Well you can't be out here on your own. It's not safe."

"If she doesn't wanna join then let her go."

"Shut up, Nick." The woman shouted turning her body slightly. "Riley, it's really not safe. Atleast stay the night. Have some food. Rest up for a bit."


"Madison. My name's Madison. Madison Clark."

"Madison, I really don't wanna st-" Riley was cut off as she felt herself become weak. "I don't wanna stay." She finished as she put her hand on her forhead.

"You okay?"

"Not really." Riley admitted before she fell forward.

Madison quickly caught her and held her up.

"She passed out. Nick, get some water. Alicia get a bed ready." Madison ordered. "Don't worry Riley, you're safe now." Madison said as she carried Riley inside the stadium with the help of her friend, Strand. "We got you."

A New World - Fear The Walking Dead FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now