Thirty One

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Riley's POV

We walked down the seemingly never ending road in silence. I could tell Alicia was still devestated about Charlie, she kept closing her eyes as if to stop tears falling from her eyes.

"What hurts the most, is that my Mom tried so hard to save her." Alicia spoke breaking the silence as if she knew what I was thinking about. "I thought maybe I could honor my Mom's memory by keeping her safe."

"But your Mom isn't dead." I said confused.

Alicia turned to look at me and gave me a look as if to say "Really?" I pushed some hair back and shrugged my shoulders. "Well its true. You don't know she's dead."

"You don't know if she's alive." Alicia fired back, slightly angry. "Always expect the worse."

I shook my head. "You're wrong. If you expect the worse then the worse will happen because you will have made it happen without even knowing. You'll be focusing too much on the worst case scenario that when it comes down to it, its completely avoidable but you caused the situation to happen because you didn't think about the best case scenario. Sure, you can't control if your Mom is dead or not but you can control your feelings. She's your Mother for Godsake. Be atleast a little positive. Some people have lost their Mothers and they know they have. You on the other hand, you are lucky because you have that small chance she's alive and she's out there looking for you."

"I'm sorry."

"So you should be."

"I didn't think.."

"People never seem to do. They think about themselves and in selfish ways too so they don't realise just how lucky they are."

I felt anger in my veins, my body was tense. A feeling I knew all too well. I don't mean to get angry with Alicia. I'm technically not even angry with her. I'm more angry with the fact she's giving up so easily on her Mom.

We soon arrived at the gas station, it looked clear of walkers but just to be sure, I knocked loudly on the door and windows. After waiting a few minutes, with no signs of dead or living, Alicia made her way inside first.

I looked around outside to make sure nobody was watching us but across the road, something caught my eye. I quickly jogged over, not wanting to leave Alicia on her own for a while.

A box was sat against the mile marker sign. I raised my eyebrow as I read what was written on the top of the box. "Take what you need, leave what you don't." I opened the box and saw a few protein bars, candy bars, books, a toy truck and a bottle of water.

I didn't realise just how thirsty and hungry I was until I saw them. I quickly grabbed a candy bar and opened the wrapper. I took a bite and almost moaned at how great it tasted.

"Hey! You left me talking to myself." Alicia said walking towards me. "What's that?"

"Heaven." I smiled. "Want some?" I offered her what was left of the candy bar.

She took it from me and took a bite, she closed her eyes and smiled. "You're right, that's Heaven."

I couldn't help but smile at her smiling, it was the first time since Charlie died that I saw her smiling. She had such a beautiful smile and its such a shame I won't be able to see it more in a fucked up World like this.

"You're staring." She said as she ate the rest of the candy bar.

"Sorry, you want a drink?" I asked holding the water bottle up. She shook her head and I shrugged my shoulders as I unscrewed the cap and took a big gulp of water. "Did you find anything?" I asked screwing the cap back on.

"Cleared out except for a few cans of food and a pack of batteries that could come in handy I suppose."

I stood up straight and looked back down at the box. "I feel bad not leaving anything."

"We have nothing to spare."

"Could always put you in the box." I joked.

Alicia gasped and took a step back. "How dare you. You want to get rid of me?"

I laughed and stepped closer to her, pulling her into my arms for a hug. "Never. Never want to get rid of you."

"Sure, because wanting to put me in a box and leaving me here isn't wanting to get rid of me." She replied pulling back slightly whilst still in my arms.

"I'd come back for you." I shrugged.

"And what if someone had taken me by the time you get back?"

"I'd find you and kill whoever took you."

"What if I was dead?"

"I'll always find you before it gets that far..."

I didn't realise just how close our faces had gotten to eachother until I felt Alicia breathing on me. I got lost in her eyes again. My eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips. I don't know what was happening, but before anything could, Alicia spoke.

"I'mma kick your ass and put you in a casket. You wanna put me in a box? Then I'll put you in a box that's actually built for humans..But only for one night because I'm nice like that." She smirked moving out of my arms.

"Nice? That's pure evil."

Alicia was about to speak but I cut her off by turning around and vomiting.

"What the fuck?" I croaked out before throwing up again.

I don't know why I was throwing up, I didn't feel sick. It was so sudden, no warning. No pain. Nothing.

"You okay?" Alicia asked placing her hand on my back, rubbing small circles gently as she used her other hand to hold my hair back.

"I-I think so." I replied looking up at her.

"Damn Riley, you've gone really pale."

My vision started to get blurry and I felt weak. I have no idea what was wrong. I tried to stand up straight but everything started to spin and before I knew it, I was looking up at the sky.

"Riley." Alicia said concerned. "Stay with me. Glenn. Glenn." I heard her say. She must be on the walkie. "Come on, someone pick up. Hershel? Hershel this is Alicia, there's something wrong with Riley. Shit. Rosita? Hello?! Someone help!"

My eyes began to close but Alicia gently tapped my cheeks. "Riley stay with me. I was kidding about the casket, fuck, I was kidding. I didn't mean it. Don't leave me please..."

Her voice cracked and it broke my heart, I tried to respond but I was too tired.

"I'm gonna leave the walkie here, try contacting the others, I'm gonna run back and get help. I won't be long. I promise. I lo-...I'll be quick I promise."

My eyes closed again, this time nobody tried to keep me awake. I wasn't sure how long I had been on my own for but I opened my eyes as I saw the light disappear from my eyes. I tried to open them but only managed a squint. I saw a shadow standing above me, the thing I noticed most was the shape of the hat.

"Rick?" I asked weakly before I felt myself drift off again. My eyes closed and my body was relaxed, before I drifted off again I felt strong arms gently pick me up. They felt like my Dad's arms.

Was I dead? Was he taking me to Heaven?

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