Twenty Nine

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Riley's POV

Alicia had fallen asleep in my arms, she looked so peaceful that was until the van jerked and woke her up.

"What the holy fucking hell was that all about?" Negan asked standing up and making his way to the front of the van.

"Rick stopped, everyone has. I'll see what's going on." Al said before she opened the door and jumped out.

"A car has probably run out of gas or something." Alicia mumbled as her eyes closed and she cuddled further into me.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. This can't be happening. No. NO!"

I felt my ears tense up as I heard Nick's desperate voice cry out in the night air. Alicia quickly sat up as she heard her brothers voice.

"NICK!" She shouted as she moved as quick as she could out of the van.

Negan and I followed. Everyone was gathered around the same area. Alicia pushed herself through the group.

"Oh my god." I heard her say in shock.

I pushed my way through and saw Luciana's body. She was bruised, cuts across her face. Her clothes were ripped.

"I'm going to kill whoever did this to you." Nick cried as he held his girlfriend in his arms.

"I love you." Luciana smiled weakly.

"I love you too. God, you have no idea how much I love you. I'm so happy I found you. I'm so sorry I found you so late, I could've stopped them hurting you."

"I-I'm okay. Its just cuts and bruises."

"I know you're not okay but you will be. You're safe now."

I was happy that they had reunited, I was happy he had found her but I couldn't help but feel some hurt inside of me. That could've been Ofelia and I...

"Uncle Rick, help me get her into Al's van? She can lay down in there. Is that okay with you guys?" Nick asked looking up at Alicia, Negan and I.

"I'll patch her up for you Kid." Negan offered.

"You can come in our car." Glenn said gesturing with his head to the car him and Maggie were in.

With the help of Rick, Nick gently carried Luciana to Al's van. Everyone else went their seperate ways and Alicia and I followed Glenn.

Glenn opened the door for me to get in and Maggie did the same for Alicia. Once everyone was in their vehicles, Rick led the charge and we carried on our journey to finding Madison and Strand.

"Do we know who did this to Lucy?" I asked.

Glenn glanced at me in the rear view mirror and shook his head.

"Bandits probably. Crazy what the world ending can do to people."

"I hope my Mom is okay." Alicia sighed as she rested her head against the window.

"She'll be just fine sweetie." Maggie smiled turning around in her seat. "If she's anything like your Uncle Rick, she's a survivor."


Maggie grabbed the walkie as Glenn was driving. "What's up Rick?"

"Luciana said it was a walker that got her, but there's no bites or scratches on her. She also said that the walker talked to her."


"What?" I asked confused. "It's obvious she was hallucenating."

Maggie shook her head. "We've seen these people before when we were looking for you. These people are dangerous. More dangerous than The Saviours were."

"I don't understand."

Glenn glanced at me and ran a hand through his hair. "They cover themselves in walker guts. Rip their clothes, they take the faces of walkers and put them on theirs. They disguise themselves as walkers. They can pass through herds unoticed."

I sat forward and scrunched my eyebrows together. "Who are they?"

"The Whisperers."

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