Twenty Eight

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Riley's POV

It was a rather unsettling quiet as we continued on our journey. Nobody knew how to react. Alicia was quiet, tears slowly falling down her cheeks. We were in Al's van, Negan was patching me up. It was surprising he chose to ride with us but I think I understood why.

He liked Al's van. He liked the guns she had, he was into weapons like that. Maybe he even had a little thing for Al...It wouldn't be surprising though, he has a thing for every woman. Gay, bi, trans, he doesn't care. If they're women, he'll have them.

"It wasn't too deep, deep enough to bleed alot but not deep enough for stitches. Could possibly leave a scar but I wouldn't expect it to unless you manage to tear the wound open even more which might cause you to need stitches." He said as he finished wrapping a bandage around my arm.

"You know a bit about first aid huh? Were you a nurse or a doctor or what before this?"

"I was a football coach. Gotta know a lot of first aid in that shit show of a job. Broken bones, busted lips, cracked ribs, hell, when the helemts came off and the fighting began...Man...Some kids lost part of their ear."


"Damn, indeed. I may have been tough of those sons of bitches but it was for their own good. They went un beaten for an entire season under my coaching. Course, I got fired when the principal caught me taking his hot ass wife from behind." He laughed.

"Always the ladies man."

"I wasn't proud of doing it. I didn't want to at first but my wife encouraged me to do so."

"Your wife encouraged you to cheat? Wait, you were married?" I asked in shock.

He gave me a sad, half smile and nodded his head. "That's a story for another injury."

I rolled my eyes before turning around on the bench and looking at Alicia who was just staring at the book that had belonged to Charlie.

In all honesty, I don't see why it's affecting her so badly. Charlie shot her, stabbed her brother. Used them. Betrayed them...Maybe it's because of what they were like before all that. Deep down...She was a good kid. Even I couldn't hold a grudge against her and not because she was dead either. I couldn't do it, because it was an accident. It still doesn't take the pain away but its good to know she didn't do it on purpose.

I reached out to Alicia but she moved away, she glanced up at me before looking back down at the book again.

Negan nudged me and I gave him a confused look. He pointed to Alicia with his head and I shrugged my shoulders as if asking him what he wanted me to do.

"Comfort her." He whispered in my ear.

I wasn't sure how but I stood up and sat next to her, she tried to move away but I stopped her by putting my arm around her.

"I hate you." She said, her voice coming out croaky. "I fucking hate you."

"No you don't." I replied pulling her closer to me.

"I could've saved her if you didn't drag me away. She could still be here." She tried to get out of my grip. She was hurting, I know she didn't hate me. "She's dead and its all your fault."

Alicia began to cry hard as she turned to face me, she tried pushing me away but I wouldn't allow it. She needed someone. I would be that someone.

"She's dead. It's all your fault." She cried before collapsing in my arms.

I held her tightly, allowing her to cry, allowing her to grieve. I know what it feels like to watch someone die in front of you. Wether you hate them, love them or if they're just a stranger. It's not nice at all, its even worse if its someone you know.

"I got you." I whispered soothingly. "I've got you. I've always got you."

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