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Riley's POV

I stared down at the hole we had made for Ofelia. Daniel would only allow me to help and he would only allow me to say goodbye. I didn't fight him on it. She was his daughter, they had to respect the decision he had made. Daniel was silently crying beside me, but I had stopped crying half way through digging the hole.

I was just angry now. Pure anger is all that ran through my veins. Ofelia didn't deserve to die like this, none of the people that died like they did, deserved it.

"Por favor, dale la bienvenida a mi hija en tus brazos. Perdona sus pecados, dale todo tu amor. Perdóname por mis pecados. Si esto es un castigo, lo entiendo, pero gracias por permitir que mi hija y mi esposa vuelvan a estar juntas. Gracias Señor. Amén."

I knelt down to the ground, placing my hand on the pile of dirt we made. I grabbed a handful of it and threw it on Ofelia's corpse. "Amen." I whispered.

Daniel copied me before he handed me a shovel. We began to pour the dirt over her in silence, the tears once again began to pour from my eyes as it finally hit me this was it.

Images of her smiling at me, the morning we woke up together, our first kiss flashed through my mind and I began to cry harder. I glanced down to my wrist and just stared at her bracelet.

"Come back to me safely." She whispered.

"I will. I promise."

Why did I go? Why did it have to be me? If I had stayed I could've protected her, I know I would've.

I angrily threw the shovel to the side and walked away, Daniel called after me but I ignored him. We had buried our people at the far end of the stadium so I walked to the other side. People gave me looks of pity which angered me even more.

I walked to the gate but Crazy Dog stood in front of me.

"Let me out."

"I can't do that."

"I wasn't asking. I was telling you."

"You're not in good state of mind to go out there."


"Just turn around, go say goodbye to Ofelia."

"I want to go out."


I grabbed him roughly by the shirt but was pulled away by Nick.

"Calm down."

I pulled my knife out of my boot and held it to his throat. "Let me out of here right fucking now or I will kill you."

"NICK!" Alicia shouted.

"It's okay." Nick replied calmly holding his hand up to her. "Riley, I've been where you are. I lost Lucy and I wanted to find her nobody would let me go. Just take a deep breathe and calm down. You're grieving."

"Don't make this about you. You got your girlfriend back. Mine's dead. I'm never gonna have her again. I'm never gonna be able to see if I would actually love someone. We could've had a future together."

"You only knew her a week. Why you acting like you knew her your whole life? You hardly knew her."

I pushed Nick away and tackled Crazy Dog to the ground. "In this world, knowing someone for a week is like knowing them forever. I suggest you shut your mouth because you have not seen me angry." I stood up and switched my knife for my gun. "None of you have." I aimed the gun at Nick and he quickly put his hands up.

"Riley. You don't wanna do this. You'll regret it. You're not thinking clearly and it's okay. You've been through alot and Ofelia was the one person who had gotten through to you. It hurts because she's gone but it'll be okay."

"I lose everyone I care about. My Mom, my Dad. My friends before the world went to shit...Now Ofelia. I can't live like this when all I do is lose people." I aimed the gun at my head and closed my eyes.

"We've all lost people Riley. I lost my girlfriend when this all began. Her name was Gloria, I woke up and she was one of the dead. I lost my best friend, he was called Troy. He was a crazy bastard and he got himself killed. Alicia lost her boyfriend at the start, she then lost her other boyfriend during. He got bit, we amputated but he bled out. My Mom, she lost her boyfriend during this, he got shot and fell out the helicopter...We all lose people and we'll continue to do so...It just how it is now."

"I can't live in this world." I cried.

"You can. You have for so long and you're living now. It's okay to feel how you are now, all of us here are here to help you now. Just give me the gun."

I shook my head and was about to shoot when I felt someone push me to the ground. I accidently shot my gun but luckily it didn't hit anyone because nobody cried out in pain. I opened my eyes to see Alicia above me. Her eyes glassy due to the tears in her eyes.

"You don't get to take the easy way out. I won't let you."

Nick quickly ran over and kicked my gun away, Alicia handed him my knife, still pinning me down.

"Alright. Shows over." Madison said. I heard footsteps get closer and then her shadow covered me. She knelt down and pushed some hair out of my face.

"We're gonna keep a close eye on you until we know you're not a hazard to yourself or others. We're doing this because we care about you. Ofelia wouldn't want this Riles, she'd want you to keep fighting."

"It's so hard."

Madison gave me a sad smile and used her thumb to wipe my tears away. "I know sweetheart, I know."

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