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Riley's POV

The Next Day

I didn't remember the exact route to the stadium, I was making guesses. I could tell Daniel was getting agitated with me, but I didn't do it on purpose. I wanted to get back to Ofelia just as much as he did.

"Are you playing games with me?" He asked as he pointed his gun at me.

I was sat in the back of a van as a woman called Lola drove us to the stadium, Daniel was sat in front of me.

"No. I swear I know Ofelia and we're together."

"Then why are we driving in circles huh?"

"I told you, I don't know the exact way to the stadium."

Daniel sighed and hit the side of the van with his fist. The van came to a sudden stop and I leaned forward to look through the window to see Nick stood in front of the van.

"It's Nick! Let me out."

Daniel quickly unlocked the door and I climbed out. Nick was talking quietly on his walkie but as soon as his eyes widened he spoke quicker before placing the walking back on his belt.

"You need to go back to the stadium. Now." He said roughly grabbing my arm.

"Let her go."

Nick froze and instantly let me go.

"You're taking her to the stadium?"

Nick turned around and his face went white. "Yes."

"Take me too."

Nick nodded his head and we walked to his car and got in.

"Why are you out here?" I asked turning to look at him.

"I was looking for someone." Is all he said as he started the car.

The car ride was silent. It was a worrying silence. It felt like something bad was going to happen. Nick sighed and shook his head.

It wasn't long before we reached the stadium and the gates slowly opened. I looked around in horror as walker bodies lined the walls and some of the people who lived here, layed lifeless on the floor.

"What happend?"

Nick ignored me as he stopped the car and got out, making his way to Luciana who waited for him with her arms open.

Daniel and I got out at the same time and I noticed Ofelia sat down, leaning against the wall.

Madison walked over and tried to stop Daniel from walking towards her but he pushed his way past her.

"Ofelia." He smiled gently shaking her. I walked towards them, kneeling down and taking her hand in mine.

"Hey, Ofelia."

My smile turned into a frown as she didn't respond.

"Ofelia." Daniel said louder, shaking her.

My heart began to pound and I felt weak.

"Ofelia, baby..." I pull her into my arms. Her jacket moves slightly and I notice blood. I push her jacket out of the way and I see a bite mark. "No." I cry. "OFELIA! WAKE UP!" The tears are pouring down my cheeks and I hear Daniel shouting but I don't hear what he says.

"What happend?" I eventually manage to hear him.

"A girl called Charlie happend."

Anger surged through my body and I made a promise to myself that I would kill Charlie with my bare hands.

I noticed Ofelia was wearing my Father's chain. I wiped my eyes and gently removed it from her and placed it in my pocket.

I placed a kiss against Ofelia's forhead and stood up, allowing Daniel to say goodbye to his daughter before she turned.

I turned around to see Alicia standing there, looking just as heartbroken as me.

Alot of things went through my mind, what if I hadn't of fell. Maybe I would've been able to protect her. Maybe it would be me dead and not her.

One thing for sure is though, Charlie is a dead girl.

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