Forty Six

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Riley's POV

I coughed and gasped for air. I was on my hands and knees, watching the blood drip from my face on to the cold stone floor. Another kick to the stomach sent me falling on to my side.

"You can make all of this go away." Beta hissed in my ear as he pulled my hair, pulling me close to him.

"Make what go away? This is just a papercut. You can't beat me into submission. You're gonna have to kill me." I answered, smirking as he got angrier.

"Bitch!" He growled as he slammed my head down against the ground. He did it over and over again until the door flew open.

"Enough, Beta. I told you not to kill her. Let her recover and we'll try again tomorrow."

Beta stood up, giving me one last kick before leaving the room. Alpha walked towards me, she knelt down and stroked my cheek.

"You will join us. You will become one of us. I want them to suffer, seeing their little angel turn against them."

"Not happening. Ever."

Alpha grabbed my cheeks roughly and squeezed them together. Pulling me close to her face. "Oh it will happen. Even if I have to hurt you in other ways...Madison's daughter is beautiful isn't she? I would love to see her covered in walker guts...As one of us...But then again, seeing her as an actual walker would be even better." Alpha laughed as she let me go.

"Stay away from her! You don't hurt her, you hear me? You leave her alone!" I tried to shout but my voice just came out croaky.

"You want me to stay away from her? Is she your weakness? It's very bad having someone be your weakness."

"Stop it."

"Join us and we'll leave her alone."


"You want her dead?"


"Such a tough situation you're in. Choices, choices. Decisions, decisons." Alpha stood up straight. "I guess I'll make it for you. I'll personally kill the girl myself."

"No! Stop! I'll join you, just please. Leave her alone."

"What was that?" You'll join us?"

I couldn't believe I was doing this. I must be crazy, but it's the only way to protect Alicia.

"Yes." I said looking down.

"Excellent. I'll send in Lydia to clean you up again and we'll celebrate."

Alpha turned around to walk out but I stopped her.

"Give me your word that Alicia won't be harmed."

Alpha didn't even turn around as she answered me. "You have my word."

I collapsed on to my back again as I thought about what I had done. I had just joined The Whisperers. I had to protect Alicia. I had to there was no other way. I just hope everyone forgives me...And I just hope they have a plan to kill Alpha and Beta and get me out of here.

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