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Riley's POV

The storm was getting worse. I could hear the wind howling outside, the rain was falling faster and harder. I swear, any minute now there would be thunder and lightning.

Alicia was currently trying to help the fire dry our jackets, we couldn't stay in these wet clothes so I decided to explore the rooms. There wasn't many rooms downstairs so I went upstairs, I could hear Charlie moving around in her room.

"You're a stupid kid." I said as I kicked the door as I passed it.

I walked into the room, facing the room Charlie was in to see it was a nursery. My heart hurt, there was no sign of a baby in here...there also wasn't a walker baby or a corpse...So maybe the dead woman was pregnant.

How fucking sad.

I closed the door and went to the next room, it was a teenage boys room. I walked to the closet and opened it. A few t-shirts, button up shirts and jeans were all he had. I grabbed a red and black plaid shirt and a white and grey plaid shirt with two pairs of jeans.

It was only temporary so it didn't matter if the clothes were too big.

I was about to walk downstairs when I heard faint crying coming from Charlie's room.

"You better not be crying because you're bit." I shouted before making my way back downstairs. "Here." I handed Alicia the white and grey shirt and jeans.


I began to undress and I saw Alicia staring at me, she hadn't moved from her spot. "What?"

She glanced down to my stomach and I saw she had noticed the medium sized scar going down to my belly button. "I was shot."

"Me too." She said as lifted her shirt up to reveal a much smaller scar than what I had. "Except the bullet grazed me."

"Charlie did it right?" I asked as I quickly slipped the jeans on, followed by the shirt.

"Yeah." Alicia nodded her head and she slowly began to get undressed. "She was with bad people, they used her to get into other groups and stop them from going out and getting supplies...The group she was with would make the group a deal. They take all the stuff and let them live. Or, they'd make sure that they would never be able to get more supplies, which would slowly kill everyone. I tried to talk her into leaving, but the leader of the group talked her into shooting me."

"Fucking bitch." I shook my head. "I hate people who take advantage of kids and turn them into monsters. I bet before them, before this...She was a good kid."


I had just finished, buttoning my shirt up when I saw Charlie run down the stairs. She attempted to remove the plank of wood from the door but that thing wasn't going to move.

I grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground.

"Thanks for joining us Charlie." I said as I pinned her down the floor with my foot. "You know what's going to happen now?"

She struggled against me, tears poured down her face as she tried to push my foot off of her. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?" I removed my foot and knelt down, grabbing her by her jacket and pulling her closer to me. "Sorry won't erase the fucked up shit you've done. Sorry won't bring Ofelia back. Sorry won't remove Alicia's scar. Sorry won't make Nick be able to trust new people. Sorry means fuck all when a little brat like yourself has done so much damage!"

"Kill me, please. Please, kill me!" She begged closing her eyes. "Shoot me."

I grabbed Alicia's gun that she had left on the table near the door and aimed it at Charlie's head. Anger, sadness, hurt. It's all I felt. The rage was building up.

"Do it."

I began to breathe heavy as I felt myself become angrier with myself, my body had frozen, it wouldn't allow me to pull the trigger.

"DO IT!" Charlie shouted.

I lifted my gun up and hit her on the head with the butt of the gun, knocking her out. I moved to the side and just sat next to her unconcious body.

"You didn't hurt her, you didn't kill her." Alicia said surprised.

I looked up, teard in my eyes. "I couldn't do it...I just couldn't do it."

A New World - Fear The Walking Dead FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now