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Riley's POV

I felt eyes on me the entire time I walked to where Luciana was. Some people smiled at me, others just frowned. There was one person who I could tell hated me, the way he looked at me.

He walked towards me and grabbed my arm roughly. "You try anything. You lay a finger on any of my family and I will kill you." He warned. "My Mom, Strand, Ofelia, the idiotic people we have here, might be willing to welcome you here just like that. But not me. I don't know you, I don't trust you. You make one wrong move and I will put a bullet straight through your skull. If you are planning an attack on us with your group, I will kill you. I will." His voiced faded into a whisper and his facial expression turned blank. "I will kill you Charlie."

"Nick, let her go." A woman with an accent said quickly removing his hand.

I gave him a confused look. He just called me Charlie? Who's Charlie?

"Are you deaf? I told your Mom, my name is Riley and I'm damn sure you were there when I told her. I'm not Charlie and if you don't want a busted lip, I suggest you use my name. Which, for the third time, is Riley."

Nick blinked a few times before he shook his head quickly.

"Nick are you alright?" The woman asked concerned.

"Yeah Lucy, I'm fine. Just...Keep an eye on her." He said glaring at me before turning around and walking away.

"Don't mind him. He's been through alot. I'm Luciana. Or Lucy as some people call me. Madison told me you're stopping a few days to help around here. That's good, we need people here. The more people the better and safer."

"Don't get used to it. I'm not staying forever. Just gonna pay my way and be gone."

"Sure." Luciana smirked as she nodded her head. "Come on, I need to get these boards up."

She handed me a metal can that had nails in and she placed a plank of wood against the metal stadium wall. I handed her a nail and she placed it against the wood before she hammered the nail in.

"So Riley, what's your story?" Luciana asked as she took another nail from my hand.

"I don't have one. Just trying to survive y'know." I sighed.

"Everyone has a story. Why is a young girl like you on your own? Something happend to your group?"

I tried not to think about my Dad. Watching him die. Watching the man I adored growing up, killing his best friend. Murdering him.

"You okay?" Luciana asked lowering the hammer and giving me a concerned look.

"I'm fine. Just, bad memories." I stood up straight and handed her a nail. "So what was up with Nick?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Why did he call me Charlie?"

Luciana sighed and gave me a side look. "There was this girl, a kid. She was just like you, all on her own. Wouldn't talk. Wouldn't eat. But somehow, Nick got through to her. He brought her a different book everyday and she eventually spoke. Only to him, but soon she spoke to everyone, then some strange shit happened.. Every place we decided to check out, was hit. There's not many living people around these parts and in passing we've seen there have been stuff there and we marked it on our maps in case we needed to go there again. Eventually, we found out Charlie had been with a group. She was being used to tell them where we would be hitting. Cutting off our food supply, water supply and anything else we needed. Nick tried to talk her round but he couldn't. His sister got shot trying to get Charlie to stay. He went crazy, he killed the leader of the group. We killed the rest...Charlie stabbed him. Nobody killed her, everyone was in too much shock. We decided to let her go, focus on keeping Alicia and Nick alive. Ever since, Nick hasn't been himself and for Alicia? It hasn't changed her much, just made her more capable to kill."

"Damn, and you think the dead is dangerous. It's the kids you need to keep an eye on. This World fucks them up the most."

Luciana nodded her head as she took another nail for me.

"Ah, shit." She yelled in pain, dropping the hammer.

She held her finger tightly, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Well that was a smart thing to do." I laughed.

Luciana glared at me but cracked a smile.


I was quickly pushed against the wall, a gun pointed at my head.

"I didn't do shit."

"Nick, it was an accident." Luciana and I spoke at the same time.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Nick shouted, I heard the gun click and I closed my eyes.

"Do it." I whispered.

I felt Nick let go and I saw Ofelia stood in front of me.

"Nick, leave her alone." Ofelia said sounding bored. "Go and kill people that deserve it."

"I warned you. I fucking warned you Riley." He said backing away slowly.


Nick shook his head before turning around and walking away.

"Are you okay?" Ofelia asked turning around.

"I'm fine. I only had a gun held against my head." I said sarcastically.

My heart was pounding and I could feel tears wanting to appear. That was a scary experience but at the same time, I wanted it. I wanted to be with my Dad again.

"Why don't we get some food? You hungry?" She asked.

"Not really."

"Well, you still have to eat so come on."

I sighed and pushed myself off of the wall. "See ya Luciana."

"Have fun, and don't worry about Nick. Most people here have your back."


I walked with Ofelia to the dining area, ignoring Nick's glare.

"Sit down, I'll get our food." Ofelia said quietly in my ear.

I felt strange chills run through my body. As I sat down, I watched Ofelia quietly speak to Nick as he handed the food over. She looked back at me and smiled.

I gave a straight smile in return and she turned back around to look at Nick.

She was kinda cute. Her smile was a nice one, the main thing I noticed about her was her eyes. They weren't the usual brown ones, they were both dark and light at the same time.

I refused to get too close to anyone because I need to leave as soon as possible or else they'd find me.

And even though they would be just trying to help...I would kill them and I wouldn't think twice about it.

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