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Riley's POV

Glenn and Maggie told us more about The Whisperers. They had raided Alexandria, under the disguise of being hurt and injured. They had been filthy...Then out of nowhere a herd of walkers broke through the walls but one thing that was noticed, a few walkers were walking out, not in.

Then the leader. Alpha, she showed herself. She showed her people. Her people that were disguised as walkers. We wouldn't be able to tell what were walkers or who were people.

I didn't mind much, kill them all. Especially after what Alpha did to Gabriel. Glenn told me that they had captured Rosita, they were threatning to kill her. Then Gabriel...He demanded they kill him. Alpha said no but Gabriel provoked her.

Rick pulled Rosita to safety as Alpha decapitated Gabriel.

I could've lost her. I could've lost her forever.

I may not feel the same about her but she was a huge part in my life. She brought out the best in me. She made me feel loved. She made me know what it was like to love someone in that way. She was special and she always will be special to me.

"The Whisperers are clearly following us." Glenn said. "But why?"

"Isn't it obvious? Alpha wants Lydia back." Maggie said looking at her husband.

"Who's Lydia?" Alicia asked.

"Did you see the blonde girl with Carl?" Maggie replied.

"Yeah, I wondered why I didn't recognise her." I said crossing my arms. "Why would Alpha want her?"

"Lydia is her daughter."

"Mother of the year to her." Glenn said sarcastically.

"Why did you say it like that?"

"Because what sort of Mother, lets their child be raped and abused as a way to make them stronger? It's fucked up. I'm just glad Lydia saw sense and decided to join us. Carl has vowed to protect her...That boy is smitten."

The car started to slow down which caused us all to be confused. The car had about a quater of fuel left. Suddenly smoke started to appear from the hood.

"Shit." Glenn sighed slightly fustrated.

When the car eventually stopped, we all climbed out. The others stopped too, some made their way over to use to see what was going on. Others began to search the surrounding area for supplies.

"What happend?" Rick asked as he stood next to Glenn as he popped the hood.

Glenn used his hand to clear the cloud of smoke before leaning down to see what the problem was.

"Everything looks fine so I'm not sure what the problem is. Might be here a while to see what's going on."

"Okay. That's not too bad, give us time to scavange around see if there's any supplies. I see a gas station down the road so I'll send a group out see what there is."

"I'll go." I offered. Rick nodded his head and pointed to Alicia.

"You up for it?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Great. Take this walkie." He handed it to Alicia. "It's connected to channels 1, 4 and 7. That's Glenn, Rosita and Hershel." Rick looked at me. "If you take too long or don't respond, I'm coming to look for you."

I rolled my eyes before nodding my head. "Got it boss. You got a gun I can use."

Rick nodded his head and reached into the back of his pants. He pulled a gun out, he looked at with sadness in his eyes before he handed it to me. The first thing I noticed were the initals M.W engraved on the butt of the gun.

"I wanted to give it to you, but you ran away before I could. Your Dad had kept that hidden from you, didn't want you to use it until you were more experienced with guns. He was worried you'd damage it."

"I don't understand."

"Maria Walsh." Is all Rick said.

I looked down, tracing the letters with my finger. "Mom." I looked back up and Rick nodded. "I'll look after it. I swear I will."

"I know."

Rick walked away, leaving Alicia and I to check out the gas station.


"Always." I replied as I put my Mother's gun in the back of my pants. "Let's see what we can find."

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