Forty One

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Riley's POV

Charlie was asleep in the middle of Alicia and I. Rick seemed happy that everyone we had was back so he thought we should head back to Alexandria. Maybe even shake off The Whisperers.

"Are we gonna talk about what happened?" Alicia asked in a whisper.

"What didn't happen?" I smirked.

I could tell Alicia was rolling her eyes, she carefully moved to look at me trying to not wake up Charlie. I did the same and we just looked at eachother.

"I don't know where my feelings have come from..They kinda just happened. I didn't want to say anything because of Ofelia and then your ex came back...It just seemed like it was never the right time."

"It never really is the right time though is it? Even before this happend to the world. People were scared to admit their feelings. Scared of rejection. Now, they're scared because that person could die at the hands of those monsters."

Alicia nodded and a moment of silence fell between us, until Alicia spoke again.

"I don't want you to die."

"I don't want you to die either."

"When you got sick...I was sacred because I didn't think you'd make it and then you were gone and...I had not felt a pain like I did before. Not even with my Mom because I knew she was out there somewhere but you...I thought you were dead."

"I thought I was dead too." I quietly laughed. "But as soon as I woke up...I knew then that I had feelings for you. All I wanted was to get back to you that's all that mattered...You're all that matters."

Another moment of silence fell between us with Alicia once again breaking it.

"When you and Rosita kissed....My heart broke...That's when...That's when I cried earlier...That's why I was such a mess...I wanted it to be me. God, I haven't been all emotional since this started."

"She kissed me. I didn't want it. I was surprised."

"What do you want?"

I looked down at Charlie, she was still sleeping. I carefully removed the covers from my body and climbed over Charlie's body.

Alicia removed the covers from her side, allowing me to get under them. I layed on top of Alicia, just staring into her eyes.

"I want you."

I lowered my head and gently captured Alicia's lips with mine. This felt right. This felt perfect.

"What about Charlie?"

I turned my head slightly and smirked. "She isn't waking up."

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