Twenty Three

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Riley's POV

I was sat in front of the camp fire, this was the first time I was able to just have a moment to myself again. Process everything. We had lost more of our group. Dead or alive? We don't know. I only wanted Madison, Nick and Luciana to be safe, for Alicia's sake.

I know what it's like to lose the only parent you have left. It's heartbreaking. Especially if you witness them die but Alicia didn't. We didn't see Madison die so there's a chance she's alive.

I was sure about one thing and I had been right, because I had stayed and joined their group...Rick destroyed it. Killed fuck knows how many innocent people...But that wasn't like him. He didn't usually kill unless he really had to. He'd try and be as peaceful as possible....Unless..No. I'm over thinking now, but what if Negan joined the group like Rick had planned? Negan couldn't be trusted. Crazy Dog saw Rick Grimes but maybe Negan did this.

Or Carol..She always did like playing with fire and killing innocent people.

"You okay?"

I looked up to see Al standing next to me. She was holding a video camera in her hand and she looked concerned.

"I'm fine. Just getting lost in my thoughts...What's that for?" I asked as I pointed at her camera.

She held her camera up and smiled proudly. "This is my most prized possession. I've had this since before the dead began to walk. I decided to use it as a way to document this entire thing. I come across people and I help them if they let me video them as I ask them questions. In the future if I'm long gone before everything turns itself around, someone will find this and they will know what happened. It's history in the making."

"I've done this before...I suppose I could do it again." I shrugged.

Al sat in front of me, she turned the camera on and began to film me. "Start of basic. What's your name, age and where are you originally from?"

"My name's Riley Walsh. I'm in my 20's. Early 20's. I think."

"It's May 15th 2017. The dead started to walk three years ago. I have a calander so I've been keep track of the days since it started...Maybe that'll help you figure out your age?"

I laughed and shook my head. "I can't believe this."


"Today is my 21st birthday. I was eighteen when the whole thing started."

"Happy birthday." Al smiled looking up from her camera. "Tell me about your life before this."

"I'm also from King County, Georgia. Life before this was pretty average. Nothing exciting happend. I played for my schools soccer team throughout my entire school years. Played it for fun in kindergarten but I played for the school in every grade after. I loved the sport. My Dad wanted me to play football or baseball...I wanted to play soccer. Even though he wasn't a fan, he came to every game. He even took me to watch professional games...Watching my first game...I wanted to play pro. At fourteen I came out to him as gay."

"What was his reaction?"

"That's great honey. Do you want pizza or Chinese?" I smiled at the memory.

Al laughed and looked at me again. "Your Dad sounds great. What about your Mother?"

"She..She died when I was a baby. Stabbed in the store. My Dad was on duty too, he got the call that there being a robbery and hostage situation in the local store...When he saw my Mom lying there bleeding to death he shot the bastard that did it...My Mom died in his arms and it messed him up. He didn't feel the same way about any woman again. He only slept with them, no strings attatched. That was until this happened. His best friend had been shot and was in a coma...When the world ended my Dad thought his friend was dead and he got close to his wife...He fell for her. She comforted him and he comforted her. Then his best friend was actually alive...He was happy but it destroyed him all over again. He had lost that happiness again."

"I'm sorry about that. Is he still alive?"

I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair. "He died in front of me. He died in my arms just like my Mom died in his. His best friend stabbed him. What is it with my parents getting stabbed and dying?" I scoffed and shook my head. "I left that group and then I found the one that I'm apart of now. We're missing a few people but we'll find them."

"Have you found happiness within this group? Being with that group must have made you miserable."

"Yeah I did. Then she died thanks to the little girl that's asleep in your van."

"She killed her?"

"She let out walkers in a van. I wasn't there to protect Ofelia and I regret it. I wish I never came up with the idea I did to get rid of the walkers. She might still be here..." I began to cry but Al carried on filming. "I hate myself. I hate that I couldn't protect my Mom. My Dad and Ofelia."

"Some things can't be helped. This world is such a terrible world. Just being alive one more day and having your friends and loved ones being alive another day brings all the happiness you could ever want and need. It used to be puppies. TV. Movies, music, video games...These days. It's surviving."

Al turned her camera off and placed it on the rock she had been sitting on before she walked towards me and knelt down. She placed her hand on my knee and just let me cry.

"We'll find your people. Everything will be okay."

"Everyone I care about dies. Everyone that means something to me dies."

"I know it seems that way but that's not what's happening. Alicia is still alive...Even if she does seem dead to the world." Al chuckled, Alicia and Charlie had fallen asleep straight after we had decided to stop for the night.

"I just wish...I could forget all the bad shit. Even just for one night. Have you got any alcohol?" I asked as I wiped my eyes.

"No." Al laughed. "I have something just as good though."


She stood up and gently pulled me up with her. She pulled me close and my heart began to pound.

"Just tell me to stop if you don't like it." She whispered as she gently pushed her lips against mine.

Our lips moved in sync and I wrapped my arms around her neck as she pulled me even closer. Just as the kiss was getting heated, I saw Ofelia's face in my mind.

I quickly pulled away as I began to cry again.

"I'm sorry." Al said. "I don't want you to think I'm taken advantage of you...I...I just wanted to help. I didn't know how else to...Fuck, I'm sorry."

"It's not you, it's me. I...I can't do it. I'm not over Ofelia so I can't. Even though it wouldn't mean anything. I can't."

Al wrapped her arms around me and held me. I held on to her tightly and cried into her shoulder. This is the first time I had cried so much. It was all finally coming out. Tears I held in for my Mom. Tears I held in for my Dad. The tears I held in for Ofelia. Speaking about it all..It got to me and I was finally letting out all of my hurt and sadness.

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