Forty Two

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Riley's POV

A quick flashing light and the sound of giggling woke me up. My arms were around Alicia and I'm guessing it was Charlie who was sat on our legs.

I sat up carefully so I didn't wake Alicia, to see that Charlie was indeed sat on our legs and she had a polaroid camera in her hands.

"Where did you get that from?" I asked as I tiredly layed back down.

"Glenn gave it to me."

"What did Glenn give you? I hope it wasn't coffee." Alicia said as she finally woke up. She turned around and when she realised I was there she had a look of confusion but then she smiled. "Good morning."

"Morning." I smiled back as I kissed her forhead. I pressed my forhead against hers and just looked into her eyes as I smiled.

"Well this isn't awkward at all."

Alicia and I turned our heads at the same time to see Charlie frowning at us.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"You guys clearly fucked and I was in the same bed as you. You're gross."

Alicia had a look of pure horror on her face as I began to howl with laughter. I sat up and grabbed Charlie and began to tickle her.

"Watch your language Charlie." I said still laughing.

"I can't believe she said that. I just can't."

"What's going on? You alright?" Rick asked as he burst through the door with his gun raised. He lowered his gun as he saw Charlie and I playing. He laughed and shook his head. "I heard screaming, I thought you were in danger..."

"I'm surprised you didn't hear screaming during the night." Charlie mumbled earning another round of tickling. "I'm in danger. Rick, I'm in danger." Charlie shouted as she laughed.

"God, you're like your own little family." Rick said as he shook his head. "Anyway, breakfast is in ten minutes. We wanna get out on the road, back to Alexandria before Alpha comes back."

Rick left the room and closed the door behind him. I got out of bed and stretched. Charlie was already dressed, I just had to put my jeans on. Alicia was the same.

"Charlie, you don't have to wait for us." I said looking at the girl who was patiently waiting by the door, playing around with the camera.

"I know." She said looking up. "But I want to."

"Alright." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

Once we were ready, I opened the door but Alicia stopped me. I looked to see what was wrong but all she did was put her hand in mine and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.

"It gets better everytime." I smiled.

Alicia giggled and used her foot to kick my ass. "Come on. I'm hungry."

We walked down the stairs hand in hand, Charlie walked in front of us. As soon as she was at the bottom of the stairs, she ran towards Beth to take a picture of themselves together. A few people looked at us. Their eyes on our hands. Everyone seemed happy except for Rosita which was understandable...I just hoped she wouldn't cause a scene...Knowing my luck though, she would.

"There's a chicken coop out back. So made some eggs." Carol said as she handed Alicia and I a plate.

"Thanks Carol."

"Yeah, thank you Carol."

"I'll leave Charlie's here." Carol said placing the plate on the table.

"Charlie, come eat your breakfast." I said gesturing to the plate on the table.

She sighed but made her way over and sat down next to Carl.

"You're like a little family." June said with a small smile. "It's cute."

That's the second time this morning that someone has said we're like a family. Could Alicia, Charlie and I be a family? Only time would tell I suppose. I'm not against the idea, it's just unexpected. I consider them my family anyway, I'll protect them until I can't anymore and that will be when I'm dead.

I just hope that's in the far future and not the near future.

A New World - Fear The Walking Dead FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon