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Riley's POV

Alicia and I, had both done our jobs. She had started the fire and I had used wooden planks and nailed them against the window shutters and the door. The wind had gotten so strong, Alicia had to help me.

She wanted to take the walker bodies outside so we did that too before I nailed a plank of wood to the door.

We were currently eating our food and drinking our water in front of the fire in silence. It was a comfortable silence and it was almost peaceful, it gave me time to actually think about everything. Ofelia, my Dad, my new group and old group. Everything that happend before the world ended.

My thoughts took me to a dark place, remembering two friends I had. Atleast I thought they were my friends, they were always on and off friends, never my friends at the same time, until I changed that. I got them talking again and we had our own small group, but then things changed.

I started to feel left out, they didn't care. They blew the whole situation up into something bigger than it needed it to be. They ignored me, blocked me on all the social media's we had. I had apologised over and over but all they did was leave me on read.

It destroyed me because I wasn't good at making friends and I only had three. The other friend I had, she lived in a different country...Yet she was my true friend...Thinking about it now...She might be dead.

"Hey, are you okay?" Alicia asked, snapping me from my thoughts.

She had placed her hand on my leg and she was giving me a concerned look.

"Yeah why?" I ask quickly.

She sets her food down and gets on her knees, she knee walks closer to me and sits on her knees. "Because, you're crying." She uses her thumb to wipe my tears away. "Were you thinking about Ofelia?"

"Surprisingly, no. I was thinking about life before this. Two people who were supposed to be my friends...Long story short...They ditched me as soon as they found the chance. It hurt but I got over it. Thinking about that, made me think about my only true friend. She lived in another Country. She could be dead now." I said, this time I realised I was crying.

Alicia pulled me into her arms and I held on to her tightly. "Why does everyone I care about leave me? What did I do to deserve those two treating me badly? What did I do to lose my friend and what did I do to lose Ofelia? I've been a bitch sure, but I'm more nice than mean. More good than bad. I know I am."

"I'm not sure if you care about me...But...I can promise you. I'm not going anywhere." Alicia whispered in my ear.

I pulled away and smiled at her. "Thanks...You're a good friend."

"You're not so bad yourself." Alicia laughed.

Our moment was cut short, as we heard a bang come from upstairs. We quickly grabbed our weapons and slowly made our way upstairs, I gently guided Alicia to stay behind me. I was about to open the first door that we came across but it flew open, sending me backwards in shock.

"CHARLIE!" Alicia yelled running after her. I quickly stood back up and followed.

Alicia was stood in front of a door, banging her fist against it.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" Alicia shouted. "DID YOU FOLLOW US?!"

"She just made it easier for me to kill her." I smirked. "You don't know me Charlie, but I know you. You made the biggest mistake of your life when you let those walkers out of the van and you killed my girlfriend...Whenever you come out, I'll kill you. Could be today, could be tomorrow. I don't know, but you will come out of there and when you do, I'll be waiting and I will kill you. I don't want to, I really don't because you're a kid, but you have to accept the consequences of what you did."

"You shouldn't be here Charlie. You won't get out of this alive."

"Damn right she won't."

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