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Riley's POV

I didn't know what food it was, it was some sort of meat. It certainly wasn't chicken. Luckily they had planted some crops, so I had some corn, lettuce and tomatos. I ate slowly, not making eye contact with Ofelia who sat in front of me. She tried to speak a couple of times but she always stopped herself.

I felt bad for not being sociable, but I didn't wanna make friends. I was trying so hard not to speak, I was biting my tongue but I silently cursed myself as I broke the quietness between us.

"So, where's this Alicia girl I'm hearing so much about?"

"She likes to be alone sometimes so she goes out for a few hours. I know Madison worries alot about her, but Alicia is one of the strong ones."

I nod my head in understanding. It goes quiet between us and I honestly hate the silence, I know I'm slowly liking it here and it's pissing me off.

As I grab my water, someone knocks into me, causing me to drop my water on the floor.

"Oops. My bad." Someone says sarcasm in their voice.

I quickly stand up and grab the collar of his jacket.

"You did that on purpose."

"Did I?" He smirked.

"Why are you such an ass Crazy Dog?" Ofelia sighed.

"What sort of name is Crazy Dog?" I laugh pushing him away roughly.

"You don't belong here Riley. You're not one of us. I don't know why some people want you here."

"Agreed." Nick said. Ofelia turned her head and gave him an annoyed look but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't wanna be here either. I'll be gone soon so just leave me the fuck alone yeah?"

"Can't we have a bit of fun?" He asked. I looked down to his hands to see he had flipped a knife and was gonna use it.


"Oh yeah." He grinned.

"You come near me with that thing and I'll kill you."

"Let's see huh?"

He lunged at me but before he could come anywhere near me, I was pulled out of the way. I looked up to see Strand had his arms wrapped around me.

"Listen up. If any of you have a problem with Riley being here then I suggest you speak to Madison, I know you're all on edge because of Charlie but you have to realise, not everyone is like her. You either keep your mean, aggressive feelings and actions to yourself or you answer to Madison and trust me, she will not be pleased." Strand said loudly and clearly for everyone to hear. "Do you all understand?"

Everyone murmered an answer and he let go of me.

"Fantastic. Now then, Riley. How's about you and your new friend join me for a drink. A secret stash of wine tastes better than wine you have to share." He smiled holding his arm out.

"Sure, but I ain't holding on to you."

"Fair enough."

Ofelia and I followed Strand, this time nobody looked at me, except for Luciana who gave me a smile and waved.

I gave in to holding back and waved at her, before I was quickly pulled around a corner.

"This way." Strand chuckled. "I see you have eyes for Luciana?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Ofelia scoffed.

"What she said." I laughed.

"Good. She's taken by the man that absolutely hates you."



"Don't be sad. Have a drink." Strand said as he opened the door that led to a small room. "This, is my living quaters. The big screen TV is in full high definition." He joked. "It's a nice day today. Let's drink outside, watch the sun go down and watch the stars appear."

"Whatever." I shrug my shoulders and sit down on the ground, my back against the fence.

He came back out of his room with a full bottle of wine and three plastic cups.

"Afraid we don't have the luxury of wine glasses." He says handing Ofelia and I our cups. "Shall we toast?" He asks as he pours the wine in our cups before he pours some into his own.

"Toast to what?" Ofelia laughs as she takes a sip of wine.

"To being alive of course."

The two of them look at me but I just shrug my shoulders. "Some of us don't want to be alive."

"Why do you say that? You wanted Nick to shoot you. What's wrong?" Ofelia asks placing her hand on my shoulder as she sits down next to me.

"The thing is...I'm running from people. Bad people I thought were good."

"We should tell Madison." Strand says about to walk away but Ofelia throws her cup at him. "HEY! That was a rare find, don't waste it. I'm not getting you another cup."

"I don't want another! Just let her speak!"

"Alright. Carry on Riley."

I sigh and look down, just staring at the wine. "There was a man that I had known since I was a baby. He was like a second Dad to me. I don't know what happend for them to fight but I heard a lot of shouting outside so I went to see what was happening. He...He took my Dad to the field area and he...He stabbed him. My Dad shot his gun but it missed the asshole. My Dad died in my arms. I took his shotgun, his chain...That night I tried to kill the bastard in his sleep but I couldn't do it, but I know once the grief had passed I would kill him without hesitation. So I ran. I just left. I've been wandering for weeks, months even. Then I ended up here."

I didn't realise I was crying until Ofelia wrapped an arm around me and used her hand to wipe my tears away. This was the first time I had spoken about what happend and it felt good.

"I'm sorry to hear that Riley." Strand said sadly.

"If that group come looking for you, we'll protect you." She said pulling me closer.

"I won't be here long enough for them to find me." I answer back as I pull away and wipe my own eyes.

She gave me a sad look and things went quiet between us for a while before a voice I haven't heard before, spoke.

"Aw man, you guys drinking without me?"

I look up to see a girl wearing a huge smile. "Hey Riley."

"You know who I am?" I asked confused.

"Of course I do. My Mom helped you. I've been watching over you, well, except for today. That was Ofelia and apperantly Strand." She laughed.

It didn't take me long to reslise who she was, this was Alica, the girl I had heard so much about.

A New World - Fear The Walking Dead FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora