Twenty Six

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Riley's POV

We walked back to where everyone was in silence, I could tell she wanted to hold hands because she'd walk closer but then she'd realise she couldn't so she'd walk a little bit away.

Rick was waiting for us, his arms crossed and his eyebrows raised, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Did you two have a nice catch up?"

"It wasn't like that." Rosita said first which surprised me.

"It will never be like that." I said before walking past Rick, bumping hard against him as I did so.

"Riley, wait."

"What?" I asked turning around to look at him.

"Are you ever going to forgive me?"

"No Dick. No I will not."

"Riley, please." He tilted his head to the side. "Atleast call me Rick."

"How about I call you Uncle Rick? Remember that? I loved it when you came over. My Dad would say, Uncle Rick and Aunt Lori are coming over. Carl's coming too and that would be the best thing I could possibly hear. I was heartbroken when you got shot. My Dad visited you everyday. He kept telling me that Uncle Rick would be just fine. You were like a brother to him. You killed him. I will never forgive you for that." Tears started to fill my eyes but I refused to let him see me cry. "I hate you Rick. You're no longer family to me. You're just a stranger."

"I understand." He replied sadly before walking away.

"Riley I-"

"Don't. Just don't Rosita. Please."

She nodded her head and followed Rick.

I hate doing this. Pushing people away because I'm angry, bitter and hurt. If things get too far then I'll lose them forever but I can't just forgive and forget. I want to be nice to Rosita too but it's just hard. We can't just pick up where we left off. Especially since Ofelia is still on my mind and in my heart.

"Hey, Riley." Alicia walked towards me, her hands behind her back. "I have a gift for you."

"Oh yeah? What?" I asked wiping my eyes.

She held her hands out in front of her and I let out a small gasp. Tears filled my eyes again and this time I couldn't fight them as I took the gun from her.

"My Dad's shotgun."

"Nick took all the weapons he could. He didn't pick yours up on accident either. He knew how much the gun meant to you. Wether you use it or not."

I wrapped my arms around Alicia quickly and hugged her. She laughed and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me back. There was something about her hugs that made me feel warm and protected. I liked it. I liked her hugs.

She pulled away and the warmth went away which I was disapointed about but I didn't let it show.

"I know you hate my Uncle, but he's family...Nick and I are gonna stay with him and his group. Are you staying?"

I looked around at the people I once considered family. I liked them all except Rick and Lori. It wasn't the others fault that what happened, happened.

"Yeah. I'll stay."

Alicia smiled and put her arm around my shoulders. "Things are looking up. I found members of my family I never thought I'd see again. Once we find Strand, Luciana and my Mom...My family will be complete and that's all I ever want in this world. Family."

"We'll find them. We'll find everyone. We can turn this world around...But only if you're with me."

Alicia turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow. "If I'm with you? You're the one who keeps leaving or wanting to leave." She laughs. "Are YOU with ME?"

I turned my head to look at her and gave her a small smile. "Always."

My smile slowly faded as we just stared into eachothers eyes but we soon jumped apart as Rick began to speak loudly for everyone to hear.

"As you can see we have new people joining us and a familiar friend. Alicia and Nick are my family. Charlie and Al are people they've picked up along the way and they're joining us. I know you want to head back to Alexandria and The Hilltop but that's not possible right now. We need to find my sister, their Mother and two others. We are not heading back until we find them. Do you understand?"

Everyone answered with a yes, including me. Rick smiled and told everyone to get into their cars.

"Ye wanna ride on ma bike?" Daryl asked with a smirk.

"I'm gonna ride with Al."

"But ye love the bike." Daryl frowned.

"Oh alright." I laughed before following him to his bike and getting on behind him.

"Hold on tight."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I said rolling my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

Everyone began driving off and with a loud roar, Daryl started the bike and we went in front. I forgot how amazing it felt to ride on a back, the wind blowing in my hair. If I closed my eyes it felt like I was flying.

It wasn't so bad being with everyone again. I'd have to have a proper talk with everyone when we stop for the night. I won't lie, I feel nervous about talking to everyone again but it'll be okay...I hope.

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