Twenty Seven

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Riley's POV

We had eventually stopped for the night, deciding to save fuel for the morning. There wasn't many buildings around. Maybe two or three houses with a mansion type place at the end of the street.

Daryl was cleaning his bike the best he could with little light. He accidently drove into a puddle of muddy water, it pissed him off alot. He liked to keep his things clean, except himself...He hated showers or bathing.

I leaned against a tree, watching him. I always enjoyed watching Daryl cleaning or repairing his bike or even doing upgrades to it. It was really interesting. I always had an interest in mechanical work but my Dad wanted me to know about guns so all of my survival knowledge was about guns and tracking, thanks to Daryl.

"Hey, we haven't had the chance to talk."

I turned around to see Carl standing there, looking at me nervously. "I get it if you hate me."

"I could never hate you." I said pulling him in for a hug. "You're like my little brother."

"It's just...You hate my Dad so I thought you hated me."

I shook my head and flipped his hat upwards, knocking it off his head. "I've always told you the truth so I'm sorry this might hurt but I hate your parents. Not you. Not anyone else."

"It wasn't Mom's fault that Dad killed Shane....It was Shane's fault."

"I know it may look that way, but your Mom messed him up by playing with his feelings. Maybe he would've been okay if she hadn't been so on and off with him. It's obvious all she was looking for was comfort. She didn't want him. Not like how he wanted her."

"I think I understand."

"Atleast someone understands that shit show."

I rolled my eyes and looked behind me.

"Hey darling. Miss me?"

"I missed you like a pig misses the slaughter house, Negan."

"Ouch. That just broke mine and Lucille's heart. We missed you like crazy." He grinned.

"Aw, I missed Lucille."

"You just keep breaking my heart. It's like you find pleasure in it."

"Maybe I do." I smirked.

"Not cool. Not cool at all Riley." He pointed Lucille at me. "You're lucky I have a soft spot for you."

"Right back at ya."

He stuck his middle finger up at me before walking off towards the camp fire where everyone else was gathered.

Charlie had fallen asleep in Alicia's arms, it looked kinda cute. Like two sisters. Nick was next to Alicia sharpening his knife. Rick was talking to Glenn. Glenn caught me looking and he waved at me. I waved back before resting my back against the tree.

I saw something in the distance so I grabbed Maggie's sniper rifle that she had left next to the tree. I aimed the gun and looked down the scope. "Shit."

"What's wrong?" Carl asked taking the gun from me and taking a look for himself. "Oh shit indeed, WALKERS. A HERD OF THEM."

"Where?" Rick asked as he quickly walked towards us.

"There." Carl pointed as he handed Rick the gun.

"That's the only way out of here too. There's too much mud, the vehicles wouldn't be able to handle it so we can't cut along the grass. How much time do you think we have?" Rick asked.

"Five, maybe ten minutes." I answered.

"We need to get to that house at the end of the street. I know it's not secure but we'll have to try and make it secure. If it doesn't hold, be prepared to fight."

Rick told everyone the plan and with quick urgency, it didn't take long for all the vehicles to be lined up in front of the house. They were facing the road in case we needed to get out quick, few gaps but it would let a trickle of walkers to come through at a time so it should be easy to deal with.

Lori took Charlie upstairs and everyone else got ready to fight if need be.

The walkers growling and moaning got louder as they got closer, we all remained silent, hoping they would just go away.

That wasn't the case as walkers began to enter. I used my knife and stabbed one in the head as Daryl used his crossbow to take a few out but they soon began to pile in and push us further into the house.

"I'll draw them away. Everyone else go for the vehicles. Go up the street and I'll meet you there." I shouted above the growls and shooting.

"Are you crazy?!" Alicia shouted back as she shot a walker that got too close.

"Not happening." Rosita shouted pulling me towards her, away from a walker.

"I'll be okay. I promise. RICK! Get Lori and Charlie as soon as you see an opening. I'll cover you."

He was surprised that I was offering to protect him, but I was only doing it to keep Charlie safe.

"Come on you ugly fucks." I encouraged getting all of their attention on me.

The group had thinned out and they had exited the house through windows we had passed. The walkers attention was all on me.

I saw Lori and Charlie run down the stairs but Charlie ran straight back up.

"CHARLIE!" I shouted as I jumped through the nearest window, hissing slightly in pain as a shard of glass cut my arm. I ran to the front of the house, just catching sight of all the vehicles driving up the street.

The yard was empty as all the walkers were inside now with Charlie. I stood in front of the door, banging on the door frame with the knife handle but it was no use, they had now turned their attention to Charlie who was stood half way down the stairs.

She had her gun in her hand but she was frozen with terror. Suddenly the walkers began to go down and I looked through the window to see Alicia shooting them, gaining their attention.


She pushed her way through the walkers, grabbing Charlie's hand as she ran down the stairs but they both fell as a walker grabbed Alicia's ankle.

The walkers came forward again, there wasn't much I could do with just a knife against so many walkers. This wasn't planned out in my head.

Charlie shot the walker that had grabbed Alicia and they both stood up, about to make their way out when a walker grabbed Charlie.

I quickly pulled Alicia out as walkers surrounded Charlie.

"CHARLIE!" Alicia shouted as she tried to fight out of my arms. "RILEY, LET ME GO. CHARLIE!!"

"She's gone." I said in her ear. "There's nothing you can do."

"LET ME GO!" Alicia shouted still kicking and trying to get out of my arms.

There was nothing she or I could do as walkers had surrounded Charlie's body. She was gone. There was no saving her.

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