Twenty Five

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Riley's POV

Nick, Alicia and Rick were talking quietly to themselves. Rick kept glancing towards me but I just glared at him. If it wasn't for Alicia, I would've killed him.

Daryl was stood in front of me, his arms crossed. He was just looking at me, like if he were to look away, I'd be gone.

"Ye never said bye."

"It was eaiser not to. I just had to leave."

"But you could've said bye to us." Rosita said from beside me. "I know you didn't like most of the people in Alexandria but Daryl and I...We matter to you. Or atleast we did matter to you."

"You would've talked me out of leaving but if I stayed...Rick would be dead. I'll never forgive him for what he did."

Rosita rested her head on my shoulder and I saw Alicia glance over to us, she rolled her eyes slightly before she looked at Rick again.

"I never stopped loving you." Rosita said in my ear. "I knew we'd find you."

I moved away slightly, not wanting to listen to all the romantic shit she had to say. Rosita was the first girl I have ever loved. It wasn't easy for me to make friends, I didn't like getting close to people but that all changed when the world ended. I'd try to make friends, I didn't want to die having not cared about someone or experience things.

My Dad, he loved Rosita. He approved of her, said she was good enough for me. I loved her with all my heart but once he died...I felt nothing. My feelings switched off...Until I met Ofelia. She made me feel things again...Now she's dead...I feel nothing again. Just hurt. So much hurt.

I saw Rick walking towards me and it took so much strength to not hit him.

"I know you hate me. I know why you left. I get it, but your Father and I, we made a promise to eachother. If he died, I was to take care of you. If I did, he would take care of Lori and Carl. Which he did...But things went too far. I didn't want to kill him but it was him or me and it was a defensive situation. I'm sorry I killed him. He was my best friend and I regret it every day. I do wanna thank you though. Thank you for not killing me."

"You're only alive for Alicia's sake. If it wasn't for her, you'd be dead."

Rick looked down and nodded his head. "I get it." He looked back up at me and I could see the sorrow in his eyes. "I want Alicia and Nick to find their Mom. We'll help and if you want, we'll leave you after or you can join us again. The Sanctuary, Alexandria, Hilltop and The Kingdom are still going strong. It's just us out here, looking for you because we care about you...A few new friends we picked up on the road too."

"I don't care where you go or what you do, Rick. Just stay away from me. And keep your slut of a wife away from me too because she played a part in my Dad changing. Becoming a broken man."

"I'll let that comment slide just this once but don't you dare say that again." He warned.

"Fuck you asshole."

He got closer but Daryl pulled him away roughly and put his hands between us.

"Enough." He shouted. "I know ye hate the sight of eachother but there ain't no need fer this shit. Knock it off before I put an arrow between both of y'alls eyes."

Alicia walked towards us but before she reached us, Rosita pulled me away, towards the woods. "You need to cool down."

I pulled my arm away and pushed her against a tree, my lips instantly attatching themselves to her neck, she let out a satisfied moan and I pulled away.

"That's all you're getting because I don't want this. I don't want you. Not anymore. Things have changed. Feelings, have changed.

Rosita shook her head as tears filled her eyes. "I thought you loved me."

"I did. Rosita, believe me...I did but all of my feelings got fucked up when my Dad died."

She covered her face with her hands and I couldn't help but feel bad. I wrapped my arms around her and held her sobbing body in my arms.

"I found someone else too...She died and I don't think I'll be getting over her anytime soon." I admitted.

"Did you sleep with her?" I ask Rosita ask, barely audible.

I nodded my head. "Yes."

Rosita sighed and pulled away, wiping her eyes. I thought she was going to slap me but instead she stroked my cheek with her thumb. "I get it. It's okay."

I smiled at her and she smiled at me. Before I knew it, we were kissing eachother, most of our clothes were gone and Rosita was moaning with her back against a tree as I played with her clit.

I didn't know how this happend, I didn't feel anything but being with her, it felt like old times and it made me do the the one thing I wanted to.


Forget my Dad.
Forget Rick.
Forget Ofelia.

Just forget.

A New World - Fear The Walking Dead FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora