Thirty Two

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Alicia's POV

I don't think I've ever run so fast in my life, I couldn't stop. I had to keep running. Riley's life was at risk, I just hope we wouldn't be too late. I can't lose her. I can't lose anyone else, especially with Strand and my Mom missing.

"Alicia!" Uncle Rick shouted as I got closer.

He ran towards me and I didn't speak, I just grabbed his arm and pulled him with me. I was scared that if I took even a second to stop then Riley would be dead.

"What's happend?" He asked as we ran.

"It's Riley. I think she's sick. She threw up, went pale and she collapsed in my arms." I said out of breath.

Uncle Rick seemed to run faster and it was soon him pulling me along. So many bad thoughts were floating around in my mind..What if we were too late? What if she was dead?

As we got closer to the gas station, I noticed Riley wasn't where I left her. In fact, she wasn't there at all. That just confirmed my thoughts. We were too late, she had died, she had turned into a walker and she left.

"No." I fell to my knees beside where I left her. "She was right here. I told  her to try contacting you guys on the walkie." I handed Rick the walkie he had given us. "She's dead. It's the only explanation. She's a walker. She's dead." I cried.

Rick knelt down beside me and put his arm around my shoulder. He pulled me into his chest and held me. "Maybe she just walked away? Saw some trouble and had to get away?"

I shook my head. "No, she was in a real bad way. There was no way she was moving without help."

"She can't be dead." Ricks voice cracked. "There's no way."

The roar of a motorbike could be heard and it didn't take long for who I'm assuming is Daryl to join us.

"Wha' happend?"

I was right, Daryl.

"There's no easy way to say it...It looks like Riley's dead."

"What?! No! You're lying!"

I looked up to see Rosita sat on the bike behind Daryl.

"She was right here. Now she isn't. There was no way she was able to get away if there was any sign of trouble. The only explanation is that she's dead. She's a walker now."

Rosita began to cry, Daryl just stared at the spot where Riley was. It didn't seem real, it wasn't sinking in...But even so, it didn't change that fact I had lost someone else I cared so much about. She was more than a friend to me, I think I was falling for her and it's wrong of me because of Ofelia and now Rosita, her ex is back...I couldn't stand in the way of her happiness even if it wasn't me.

But now we'll never know.

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