Twenty Two

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Riley's POV

We didn't know what to do, we couldn't go in. We couldn't go back either because what if someone was trapped in there?


"What?" Alicia asked turning to look at me.

"My Dad's shotgun is in there." I groaned as I realised that I had to go in.

"No, leave it. You have his chain. Do not go in there. It's too dangerous."

"I only have these two things of his. If I lose the chain, I have nothing. Even if I can't use the gun, I still have it." I said as I began to open the door.

"No!" Alicia said leaning over and shutting the door. "I could've lost my family...I...I'm not losing you too."

"I'll be fine. I promise."

"You can't make a promise like that. Not anymore."

"Watch me." I smirked as I quickly opened the door and ran towards the stadium.

I ducked and weaved out of the way of walkers. Some got too close but I managed to push them away. I ran through the parking lot, the front gate had been burned off so I could get through easily. Well, easily as I could considering I was surrounded by walkers.

I made my way to where we kept the guns and ammo and I was disapointed to see everything had been taken.

"FUCK!" I yelled kicking a dead body on the ground.

The body groaned and I realised the person wasn't dead. I knelt down and pulled them over.

"Crazy Dog?" I whispered in shock.

Burns covered his entire face, his eyebrows had burned off and he looked awful.

"Y...You need to get out of here." I barely managed to hear him say. "They....They're coming for you."

"Who? Who did this?"


My heart skipped a beat and my stomach dropped.

"Please." He begged slowly bringing his finger to his head.

He didn't have to ask me twice, I aimed my gun at his head. "I'm so sorry."

"I'll tell Ofelia you said hi." He smiled.

Tears filled my eyes as I smiled back. I couldn't bare to look at him as I pulled the trigger so I closed my eyes. Once I heard the bang, I stood up. Not wanting to look at him again.

Walkers were slowly pouring into where I was and there was no way out. I was backed against a wall, I closed my eyes. Waiting for their teeth to rip my flesh off the bones...But it never came.

Instead, the sound of machine guns filled the air and when I opened my eyes I saw a van near the exit. It looked like it could've been a mini tank. It was sure built like one.

"Get in." An unfamiliar voice shouted.

I ran to the van and got in through the door that was open. I saw Alicia and Charlie sat in the back. I gave them a confused look as I closed the door.

The driver turned around and I saw a beautiful woman with short brown hair and she was grinning at me.

"Welcome on board Riley. My name's Althea...But everyone takes to calling me Al."

A New World - Fear The Walking Dead FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now