Thirty Six

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Riley's POV

We had been walking for hours. The sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I'd say it was a beautiful day if we weren't walking and walking. Sure, I used to love going for walks with my Dad and I used to love hanging out in the sun...But that was before the world ended.

Now it's just awful.

I wanted to give up, just sit down and just give up. The heat was too much, there was no air. No breeze. I would give anything for a storm again. As we walked, I literally tripped over air.

"Hey now. Be careful, you feeling alright?" John asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me on my feet.

I nodded my head.

"You sure? You look like you're gonna throw up...Hey June, throw me a bottle of water please."

June shrugged the backpack off her back and opened it. We all stopped walking as she rummaged through the bag. She grabbed the bottle of water and threw it at John who caught it easily. He unscrewed the cap then handed it to me.

"Drink as much as you want. Walking beside a river and knowing how to purify water has its perks." He chuckled. "Riley, drink a bit more." He said sternly.

"Yeah Riley, being dehydrated is the worst thing that could happen to you. Especially after just getting over an infection." June said as she stood up straight.

Honestly, with John and June, it was like I had parents again. It felt nice, but nobody would ever take the place of my Mom and Dad.

"Man, I just wish we had some clue about where your group was going." John said as we started walking.

"We were just following the road."

"I think I know where they went then. The road I found you on. It's a straight road that leads into the next town. That's about six or seven miles away. Take into consideration stoppages for whatever reason...They're either still on that road or they're camped up in the town if it's safe."

"It's been a week? Two weeks? They might have gone somewhere different." I said sadly.

"That may be true, but it don't hurt to atleast go there and look does it?"

"Risk it for a biscuit." Strand spoke up. "Always wanted to say that." He laughed. "Come on Riley, you wanna find everyone...You gotta take that chance. Even if they're not there...There might be a clue to where they're headed."

Suddenly out of nowhere, Strand was tackled to the ground. He fought the person but I pulled them up, getting ready to punch them but I froze, shocked at who it was.

"You have to run."



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