Pumpkin Carving Luigi X Reader X Bowser

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for Review Chan who wanted a Luigi X Reader X Bowser Romance One Shot story!! As usual this one shot might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block!! This takes place in a Alternate Universe!! Thank you and enjoy!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information/Authoress

~Third Person Point of View~

At a farm in Moo Moo Meadows we see three best friends looking at many ripe pumpkins of various sizes. (Your Name) was looking at a few pumpkins thinking of buying a few, Luigi was also looking at them thinking of using the Pumpkins for Pumpkin Pie, last but not least Bowser was eyeing a huge Pumpkin. "I think we should buy twelve Pumpkins." (Your Name) suggested. "Okay  six for each of us right? I wanna make a few Pumpkin Pies." Luigi spoke. "I'm eager to carve a few of them myself." Bowser said. After the trio picked, grabbed, and paid for the Pumpkins they headed back to (Your Name)'s home.

~(Your Name) Point of View~

I brought out the pumpkin carving kit and two knives as I see Bowser already using one of his claws to carve one of the pumpkins. Luigi took a knife and began working on one of his pumpkins, he put the filling in a bowl for later. I began carving one of my pumpkins and began carving out a funny face. I checked on Bowser and see him make a scary face, then I checked on Luigi and he carved a mushroom. Once I've finished one of the pumpkins I began working on the next one. Not knowing that Luigi and Bowser have a special plan in their minds. 

~Luigi Point of View~

Okay time to start working!! I thought happily as I began not only working on the pumpkin Pies but also a way to show (Your Name) how much I love her. With a smile on my face I began working on the crust and some (Favorite Dessert) for (Your Name) to enjoy. (If you don't like Pumpkin Pie just pretend). I've fallen in love with her ever since we became friends in High School, (Your Name) supported and helped me so much. Though it will be tough for (Your Name) to choose on of us... I hope she picks me!! I thought with hope as I continue baking. 

~Bowser Point of View~

Hmmm not bad if I do say so myself I thought with a grin. Before me is a Jack-O-Lantern but with my face carved into it. I removed any Pumpkin juice and seeds off of my claws then started carving another Pumpkin. My plan is to ask (Your Name) to be my girlfriend, I became her friend during High School when we were lab partners in Science class. (Your Name) treated me with respect and kindness despite my reputation of being a troublemaker. I've decided to carve a special Jack-O-Lantern for her and give (Your Name) a bag of (Favorite Candy)!! Hope this will work I thought as I continue carving. 

~Third Person Point of View~

We see Bowser and Luigi anxiously waiting for (Your Name) to enter the Dining room. As (Your Name) arrived she was curious as to what the guys are doing. "What is going on?" (Your Name) wondered. Luigi and Bowser were becoming shy and nervous, but the silence was broken when Luigi spoke up. "(Your Name) we both love you and we hope that you pick one of use to be your boyfriend." Bowser nodded. "But before you decide we want you to see what we have for you." The female nodded as Luigi went first, he presented (Your Name) a fresh baked Pumpkin Pie and a delicious (Favorite Dessert). After that it's Bowser's turn as he presented her a Jack-O-Lantern with (Favorite Monster) on it as well as a bag of (Favorite Candy). "I've made my decision guys but please promise me that no matter what we'll still friends forever right?" (Your Name) spoke making the guys nod in agreement. "I'm sorry Bowser but I love Luigi." She announced, at first Bowser was sad but became happy knowing that (Your Name) is in good hands. Luigi blushed as (Your Name) moved closer to him and started kissing him to which Luigi kissed back. 

Author's Note: Done!! Sorry if it's short and junk!! ;-; Also I know you Bowser fans will be upset that (Your Name) didn't choose Bowser. It's the Requester's choice so no hate please!! Please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!

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