"I Remember You!!" Mario X Vampire Reader X Luigi

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for Alexis Everdeen 23. The Reader will be my version of vampires for more information on them read Chapter My Bride~. As usual this one shot might be short due to lack of ideas and possible Writer's Block. Since the requester didn't give me enough information this will be a friendship/fluff one shot. Hope you enjoy this story!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information 

~Third Person Point of View~

We find Mario carrying his younger brother Luigi during a dark stormy night. While on their way to save Princess Peach they were ambushed by the Koopalings, though they defeated them they were badly damaged especially Luigi. Luigi used the last super mushroom to heal Mario when he faced Ludwig, Roy, Iggy and Morton while Luigi faced Wendy, Larry and Lemmy. As Mario continued carrying Luigi and searching for a place to rest he came upon a Victorian style mansion. Mario became wary from the sight of this building remembering flashbacks of the first mansion incident [Luigi's Mansion], but he was surprised to see a bright light in one of the windows. He hesitated a bit but then was snapped out of it when he heard Luigi groan in pain for a bit reminding Mario that Luigi needed treatment. Mario took a deep breath and entered the Mansion where the Bros will find a surprise from the past!!

~Mario's Point of View~

"Hello?" I called out as I placed my bro on the couch near a fireplace. I then checked to find some dry logs in the fireplace and equipped myself with the fire flower to become Fire Mario. I then threw some fireballs on the logs and the fire blazed bringing light into this Mansion and warming us up. But then I felt a presence and got into a fighting stance to see that we're not alone, I see a lone woman by the doorway watching us with a sour look on her face. No matter what bro I'll protect you with my life!! She then smirked showing me her fangs?!? My eyes widen A VAMPIRE!?!  "Don't be afraid young man I'll let the two of you stay for a price." She spoke. I became angry "I'm not letting you drink our blood or kill us!!" I yelled as my hands became coated in flames.

~Your Point of View~

I sighed at his reaction "I'm not interested in your blood and killing humans isn't my style, what I'm asking for is some gold coins as payment." I responded in a bored tone. The red capped man eyed me for a few minutes before he reached into his pockets "Fine I'll give you some coins." But as he took out said coins something small and blue dropped onto the ground. I picked it up but then the man became angry "Give it back!! It belongs to the Princess!!" He shouted as I studied it. It's a beautiful blue brooch with a bit of gold circling it "Who owns this Brooch?" I asked as I returned it to which the man grabbed it and placed it back in his pocket. "It belongs to Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom." He spoke as my eyes widen "What is your name young man?" I asked as he answered "Mario Mario why?" I was silent but then I spoke "Then that means the other man is Luigi right?" I noted at the green capped man on the couch. "Yes why?" Mario spoke. I took a deep breath and looked at Mario in the eyes "Because I'm friends with your parents years ago." I responded.

~Third Person Point of View~

Mario was shocked and then studied the vampire closely as she started healing Luigi with her magic. She has (Hair Length) (Hair Color) hair, (Eye Color) eyes, and wearing old Victorian style clothing. "What's you name?" He questioned the Vampire. After healing Luigi she responded to the older Mario bro "I'm (Your Full Name) I used to be a hero of the Mushroom Kingdom along with your parents Lucinda and Markus." [My version of their parents names]  (Your Name) responded as she showed Mario a old photo of the trio. As Mario studied the picture then at (Your Name) he then remembered a early childhood memory when he and Luigi were being told a bedtime story from a (Hair Colored) woman. Mario looked at (Your Name) with tears in his eyes "(Your Nickname)?" He spoke with a shaky breath and was responded with a hug. 

~Luigi's Point of View~

I slowly woke up to find myself in a old living room and not feeling any pain. I got up to see a woman hugging big bro which made me question to myself I wonder why she looks familiar? I thought but then I was spotted by Mario. "Luigi you're awake!!" He exclaimed as he hugged me to which I returned. I smiled "Thank you bro for saving me." But Mario spoke "You should thank (Your Name) she healed you and let us stay here for free." He spoke and pointed at the female "Or should I say (Your Nickname)?" I was stunned and I looked at her with tears in my eyes also, then I hugged her. "I've missed you (Your Nickname)!!" I bawled as she hugged me to calm me down. Mario also joined the hug "We missed you very much." He said "But what happened to you?"

~Your Point of View~

I sighed "It's a long story but I'll try to shorten it." I said as both Mario and Luigi sat on the couch while I sat on the chair. I started to tell them about my last mission from how I battled Kamek's father Karlos to helping Lucinda and Markus defeat the evil king Boris [Bowser's Father] from invading the Mushroom Kingdom. "But as we were leaving Kamek's mother Kandice was going to curse your parents but I took the curse and became a vampire." I spoke with a bit of sorrow as I see both Mario and Luigi with looks of sadness. "I was afraid of hurting everyone so I ran away and lived in this mansion ever since." I said as I ended the story afraid of their actions. But then I was hugged by both of them "I don't care what you look like what matters is that you're still you." Mario said while Luigi added "Even though I'm afraid of many scary things I'm not afraid of you even though you're a vampire." I smiled and cried "Thank you both very much."

~Third Person Point of View~ At Least Two Months Later

We find the Mario bros along with Peach and Toadsworth head to a old warp pipe and entered. They found themselves at a familiar mansion and spotted (Your Name) working on her garden. After saving Peach from Bowser in the past the Mario bros found a old warp pipe covered in vines and hidden by the tall grass which to their surprise led to (Your Name)'s mansion. Mario and Luigi would often help her repair and remodel her home while she would often tell stories about her adventure's with their parents. The quartet [Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toadsworth] joined (Your Name) inside her mansion and continued to listen to the former hero's adventures. 

Author's Note: DONE!!! Took me at least five hours to make this. I'M SORRY if it's junk!! ;_; Anyway requests are still open just follow the rules please!! Favorite, Follow, Vote, Comment and Review please!! Thank you and see you next time!!

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