Success!! Fawful X Pregnant Reader

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for Maverick-Princess who wanted a Fawful X Pregnant Reader Romance One Shot Story!! As usual this one shot might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block!! This takes place in a Alternate Universe!! Thank you and enjoy!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information/Authoress

~Fawful Point of View~

I was staying up late at night doing research, for once it isn't about science or machines it was on pregnancies and raising a baby. Two weeks ago (Your Name) announced that she's pregnant!! Yes I know how a baby is 'made' but I don't know anything about pregnancies or raising a baby. I was broken out of my thoughts when I checked the clock showing it's midnight, I placed the books away and head for bed to get much needed sleep. I know that I'm going to need all the help and sleep I could get for the future. I Thought. Though I fear what the future will bring despite all of my researching and planning...

~Third Person Point of View~ During the Pregnancy

The Beanish inventor did everything he could to help (Your Name) with her pregnancy. He'd give her medicine and water during her morning sickness phase which (Your Name) was grateful for. Fawful would massage her feet, back, shoulders, and legs when she felt them ache or cramp up. When (Your Name) was hit with the cravings Fawful would ask his Mother/Mistress Cackletta for help in cooking and caring his pregnant wife. Luckily Fawful saved a lot of coins and spent the coins on food, clothes, baby supplies, and more for their future son/daughter. Cackletta was a lifesaver when (Your Name) started the mood swing phase, there were a few times (Your Name) would throw pillows at Fawful in anger but Cackletta's magic stopped the onslaught of pillows. The baby shower was a blast as (Your Name) and Fawful were given gifts for the baby like a crib, changing table, playpen, and more!! When the couple went to the doctors to check on the baby's progress they were surprised that the baby is a (Boy/Girl)!! Fawful and (Your Name) were very happy/relieved that their baby is healthy while Cackletta was crying tears of joy that she has a (Grandson/Granddaughter) to watch over in the future!! 

~(Your Name) Point of View~

Fawful as well as my Mother in Law Cackletta are keeping a close eye on me since I'm nearing my birth date.  Many mixed emotions are swirling in my mind and heart from anxious and nervousness to happiness and fear. Once my water broke the teleported me to the nearest hospital and helped me get ready to push. Few hours later I was holding my baby (Boy/Girl) in my arms as fawful was smiling while Cackletta was recording the whole event on camera. "They're so cute Fawful!!" I gushed as our (Son/Daughter) has Fawful's hair and skin color. "They look like you also" He spoke truthfully our baby has my (Eye Color) and my nose. "What should we name (Him/Her)?" Fawful wondered. "How about (Son/Daughter Name)?" I suggested. "We agree!!" Fawful and Cackletta replied at the same time. I giggled as (Son/Daughter Name) smiled for us  and cooed.

Author's Note: Done!! Sorry if it's short and junk!! ;-; Please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!

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