A Weakness? Bowser X Powerful Reader

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for MonOchrome YT I hope I got the name right. Anyway they wanted a Bowser X Powerful Reader Romance one shot story!! As usual this one shot might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block!! Thank you and enjoy!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information/Authoress

Note:  This takes place in a alternate universe. The Reader is Female and 'Powerful' as in way strong but not overpowered. 

~Bowser Point of View~

I  punched a sand bag out of frustration. "EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!!"  I angrily spoke as I destroyed the Sand Bag with my claws. "WHY CAN'T I BEAT HER?!?" I shouted while eliminating the remains with my fire. A few minutes after my tantrum I paced near my throne brainstorming possible ways to beat my sworn nemesis (Your Name). "There's got to be a weakness...everyone has one..." I muttered. "Kamek bring my binder full of failed plans!!" I ordered as the magikoopa obeyed. "Here your Toughness!!" Kamek replied as he handed me my binder. This will take a while I thought with a sigh. With that I began looking while Kamek will get me more coffee when I needed a boost, though when I looked at a picture of (Your Name) for some reason my cheeks warmed up. 

~Your Name Point of View~

I was busy training alongside the Mario Bros ready for another possible attack from Bowser. For some reason the Koopa King isn't set on capturing Princess Peach anymore and is set on trying to defeat me!! Though I would like to see him try but so far the score is 200 wins for me and zero for the so called 'King of Awesomeness' I thought with a small giggle. While the Bros are busy working on their Bros Attacks I was taking a break and resting a bit after running laps.  Though as of lately Bowser hasn't attacked in weeks Wait a minute am I actually worried about Bowser? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? I thought loudly as I gripped my water bottle a bit too tightly as the contents spilled out. Mario and Luigi stopped then shared a concerned look on their faces to which I told them it's nothing. But for some reason just thinking about Bowser caused my heart to race a bit.

~Third Person Point of View~

Two weeks later Bowser and his army invaded the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario and Luigi as well as Yoshi were fighting Bowser Jr along with the Koopalings. But amidst the chaos we see Bowser getting ready to fight (Your Name). "Today I WILL Beat you!!" Bowser declared. "I'd like to see you try!!" She taunted as the battle began. The two began punching, dodging, countering, and sometimes using their abilities hoping to win the fight. Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi defeated their opponents and were now spectating (Your Name)'s fight. But something unexpected happened as (Your Name) accidentally slipped on some goop from Junior's 'Magic' Paintbrush and FELL ON BOWSER!?! The thing is (Your Name) accidentally KISSED BOWSER!!  Everyone's jaw dropped at the scene as even the koopa king was caught off guard!! Bowser quickly got up, placed (Your Name) off of him, then retreated along with his army fully embarrassed from this unexpected event. Before (Your Name) and Bowser went to sleep in their respected beds they couldn't help but blush from what happened earlier. As they began to fall asleep they couldn't help but dream about each other and that unexpected kiss.

Author's Note: DONE!! Please Follow, favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!!

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