WHAT DO YOU WANT?!? Dimentio X Irritable Reader

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for Unknown Friend TNG who wanted a Dimentio X Irritable Reader Romance One Shot Story!! As usual this one shot might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block!! This takes place in a Alternate Universe!! Thank you and enjoy!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information/Authoress

Note: Irritable means having or showing the tendency to be easily annoyed or made angry. (Your Name) works for Count Bleck's Organization if you're wondering. She can use magic though she's not as strong as Count Bleck or Dimentio

~(Your Name) Point of View~

"(Your Name)? (Your Name)!!~ (YOUR NAME)!!" A annoying voice called out to me from my dreams. "WHAT!?!" I woke up and spoke in a angry tone. "It's morning sleepyhead!!~" Dimentio spoke in a sing song tone making me annoyed. "Let me sleep in peace.." I muttered as I tried to go back to sleep. "No can do (Your Name)!!~ Count Bleck sent us on a mission together!!~" He reminded me making me groan in annoyance. "Fine but get out!!" I answered as he left my room. After I got dressed I see Dimentio waiting outside my room holding the mission papers. "Give them to me." I asked. "Hmmm... Nope!!" Dimentio replied as he flew away. 

~Dimentio Point of View~

As I flew away I hear (Your Name) chasing me throughout the Castle Bleck's Halls. "COME BACK HERE DIMMY!!" She shouted in anger as I dodged her magic attacks. "No can do!!~" I answered back as I chuckled. I was busy buying time for my clones to get things ready, for the mission papers in my hand are fake!! This is a elaborate ruse to surprise (Your Name) with something special and unforgettable. "WHERE ARE YOU?!?" (Your Name) called out as I used my invisibility magic to hide. Oh don't worry you'll find me (Your Name)~ I thought with a smirk as i dropped my invisibility for a bit showing her where I am. "THERE YOU ARE!!" She exclaimed as she began attacking me as I dodged the magic spheres. "Follow me (Your Name)!!~" I called out as I flew towards the Ballroom with the female magic user following my trail. 

~Third Person Point of View~

(Your Name) was greeted by a wonderful sight as all around her in the Ballroom was a wonderland full of her favorite things!! "What? How?" She sputtered out in awe. "It wasn't easy getting everything for you (Your Name), I had my clones search everywhere to acquire your Favorite Things." Dimentio stated to the female. "For me? Why?" Spoke a confused (Your Name). "I love you (Your Name)." Dimentio replied. "You love me? Then why do you always make me mad and annoyed?" She wondered. "You're cute when you're annoyed or mad.~" Dimentio answered with a smile. "I'm not cute!!" (Your Name) said in annoyance. "Yes you are (Your Name).~" Dimentio teased lovingly. "NO I'M-" She exclaimed but was silenced by Dimentio's kiss on the lips. 'What was that?~" He wondered. "N-Nothing just kiss me Dimmy." (Your Name) muttered as she was pulled into another kiss. 

Author's Note: DONE!! Sorry if it's short and junk!! ;-; Please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!

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