Hero In Training Luigi X Hero Reader

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for The Fantasy Phoenix who wanted a Luigi X Hero Reader Fluff one shot. As usual this story might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block. Thank you and enjoy!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information

~Third Person Point of View~

We see a lone man looking around Toad Town searching for someone to help him. "Where is it?" The man spoke. This man's name is Luigi the younger yet taller Mario bros and he's looking for a new hero named (Your Name).  You see Luigi wanted someone to train him since he doesn't want to be a "Copy" of his older bro Mario, once he heard of the new hero (Your Name) he decided to seek her out and ask her to train him. After researching, asking around, and some backtracking Luigi finds himself in front of a small house near a waterfall not far from the castle. Luigi knocked on the door nervously and waits. 

~Your Name Point of View~

I opened the door to greet my guest "Hello may I help you?" I asked the man. "Um are you (Your Name)? The (Hero Nickname) of the Mushroom Kingdom?" He questioned me. [Hero nickname Example: Wind wielder].  "Yes that's me and might I ask who are you?" I replied. The man took off his hat and bowed to me "I'm Luigi (Your Name)." The now named Luigi spoke politely.  "I have come here to ask you something." I smiled a bit "What is it Luigi" I said with curiosity. "I was hoping that you can train me." Luigi spoke nervously making my eyes widen. 

~Luigi Point of View~

"Before I give you my answer Luigi may I ask you a question?" (Your Name) asked as I nodded. "You may ask." I replied. " What makes a hero?" She spoke. My mind drew a blank so I answered "Honestly I don't know" I replied with embarrassment.  "Well Luigi I think what makes a hero is someone who fights for whats right, never gives up, and helps the innocent." (Your Name) answered.  I stopped "Wait so you don't have to be courageous or brave to be a hero?" I said. She smiled at me "Luigi not every hero is the same they have different personalities, powers, abilities and more. So don't worry not every hero is perfect besides it takes time to build up ones courage." (Your Name) said making me confident. "Oh and be here at 8:00 am tomorrow." She said making me confused. "Why?" I asked. She giggled "For your training I see potential inside you so I accept your request." (Your Name) said. 

~Third Person Point of View~ A month later

Luigi is shown making great progress in his training he began target practicing his powers. Surprisingly he can not only use fire and thunder but also Ice!! [Fire: Super Smash bros series. Thunder: Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga. Ice: Super Smash bros Wii U Luigi can use ice in custom moves]. (Your Name) helped him discover his new ice powers during a spar a few days ago which surprised Luigi. Even though (Your Name) knows that Luigi is good physically and is a hammer wielder she helps Luigi improve his physical ability and weapon mastery. With time, effort, and determination Luigi can become a great hero not like his big bro but his OWN hero!!

Author's Note: DONE!! Took me five hours!! As usual please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!

Mario Characters X Reader One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora