Smile Lord Crump X Reader X Human Doopliss

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for Crystal Ghostly who wanted a Lord Crump X Reader X Human Doopliss Romance one shot story!! As usual this one shot might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block. This story takes place in a alternate universe. Thank you and enjoy!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information/Authoress

~Third Person Point of View~

Rougeport High is a very popular high school known for their talented and tough students. Many teenagers attended here like (Your Name) though not very popular was a very kind and nice girl. Crump is a tough jock with a fascination over huge robots while Doopliss is a well known prankster with a tendency to say 'slick' to everyone. But these two well known guys with huge reputations have fallen in love with (Your Name). 

~(Your Name) Point of View~

I was busy heading toward my next class when I was stopped by a familiar face. "Oh um hello Crump." I greeted. "Hello (Your Name) may I escort you to your algebra class?" He offered to which I agreed. As Crump escorted me to my class I see Doopliss smirking at me "Hey Slick looking sweet as always.~" He greeted me making me blush. "Hello Doopliss." I answered back. Doopliss made his way toward us but when he saw Crump his friendly demeanor changed into a hateful glare.

~Doopliss Point of View~

"What are you doing here Crump." I spoke in a venomous tone. "I'm here to escort (Your Name) to her class." Crump replied as he held her hand. "Thank you for that now good bye." I said but he didn't leave making me mad. But before Crump could start a fight the bell rang as the students ran to their classes. "Just you wait Doopliss (Your Name) will be mine." Crump vowed as he left. Not on my watch Crump or should I call him chump? I thought as I sat next to (Your Name) before the teacher began his lesson. 

~Third Person Point of View~ Montage

During the whole school semester Crump and Doopliss would continue argue and glare at each other when (Your Name) isn't around. But when she is around they would do what they can to win her heart and make her smile. Doopliss could cheer (Your Name) up, make her laugh, make her smile, and give her lots of sweets. Meanwhile Crump would compliment, charm, and give (Your Name) plushies whenever he see's her. Though (Your Name) was grateful for the attention and presents she fell in love with one of them, which made her decide on who to choose.

~(Your Name) Point of View~ Next Day

"Crump you're a nice guy and a gentleman but lately I grew to love Doopliss for his personality and humor, I'm sorry Crump but I choose Doopliss." I spoke sadly making Crump depressed. "We can still be friends right?" I offered to which he nodded in response. "I understand and yes we can still be friends (Your Name)." Crump spoke as he left. I was then hugged by Doopliss as I giggled in happiness. "I love you too Sweetie how about we go and grab something to eat?" He suggested. "Sure Doopliss." I agreed as we held hands and went to the nearest cafe. 

Author's Note: Done!! Took me four hours. Sorry if it's junk!! ;-; Please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!

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